Xie Limo gave Yun Bixue an appreciative gaze, "Yes, it is killing chickens and monkeys. Very often, very special methods are used."

Yun Bixue joked: "This time you are completely famous in the royal capital."

He knew that Xie Limo was so quick and decisive this time for her.

Xie Limo pulled Yun Bixue into the elevator and said, "Axue, this time I am not famous, but you are famous."

Yun Bixue froze for a moment, and thought that this was indeed the case. The Lu family's affairs were such a mess. It is estimated that many people would detour when they saw her.

However, she understands that Xie Limo is right, and very special methods are used very often.

And it helped her to establish her reputation for brutality in the imperial capital, and it was also helpful for her to participate in the garden party.

Xie Limo took Yun Bixue back by car.

Xie Liu and Yun Dong brought Lu Suyan, who was unconscious, to the Lu's house.

Although this incident was only a minor episode in the hospital, everyone in the hospital who was busy in a few moments knew about it, but many people just walked there and would not dare to look at it again.

They have never seen a woman beating her violently, which is really cruel.

"Finally gone, scared to death, I was thinking that the violent person would not be a neuropathy? Don't just hit someone and fight!"

"She was not hitting people for no reason. I think the woman in front was pregnant. Someone deliberately wanted to hit her. That woman was so violently angry."

"But you don't need to do it like this, you didn't listen to the cracking sound of the face just now, it's creepy to hear."

"I think the person beaten is the Miss Lu family."

"What are you talking about? Miss Lu family, who ate the bear heart leopard like this and dared to fight Miss Lu family?"

"Don't say that, if someone dares to fight Miss Lu's family, it means there is no fear."

"Quickly, I just checked the records. The pregnant woman is called Yun Bixue!"

"Yun Bixue? The name sounds familiar."

"No, she came from Ning'an City. When she entered the imperial capital, she went to a few restaurants and then went to Guixian. It was reported by the media that she was obsessed with women. Later, no one paid attention to it. , Miss Jiang, you know? Yun Bixue had been provoked, and Yun Bixue was also hit by her face. Miss Jiang also threatened to avenge Yun Bixue, look at what is happening now, you know this Yun Bixue can't mess with !"

Hearing this remark, the people who whispered around were startled, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, someone whispered: "What is the background of this Yun Bixue?"

"That is, she hit Miss Jiang, and in the end she had nothing, but Miss Jiang was locked up in the police station."

"I came from Ning'an City, but now I check the Ning'an webpage and search for related news, and there is no report about Yun Bixue!"

A little nurse whispered: "It's really evil, this woman must have a big start. Fortunately, when she just checked, I didn't disrespect her, fortunately..."

"It looks like it can't be messed with, but she hit Miss Lu's family. Let's take a look at the recent movements, we know the direction of the imperial capital."

"Well, this sentence makes sense."


Yun Bixue doesn't care about the sound of the discussion that follows. Even if Xie Limo knows, he doesn't care. For Xie Limo, it's best to pass on the gods so that no one dares to provoke his wife.

Yun Bixue is the person who is now focusing on protection. He can't bear the danger of Ding.

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