Qiao Muwan hated Miao Zifu in her heart, and she gritted her teeth, but she still had to say plainly: "Miss Miao, the newspaper may catch the wind and catch the shadow, maybe it is not true."

"I read it and called An Yexuan. He said it was true, and he was very happy to hear the tone." This sentence was written by Miao Zifu, who deliberately rendered the authenticity.

As soon as this sentence came out, Qiao Muwan coughed and her heart rate began to speed up. After a while, there was no blood on her face. Looking at this, Miao Zifu knew that she needed first aid.

Call the doctor quickly to send Qiao Muwan to the emergency room.

Miao Zifu shrugged, rubbed the newspaper, and said to himself: "Hey, it's really not fun to bear this point."

When the enemy is bright and they are dark, everything becomes simple.

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When Yun Bixue knew Qiao Muwan's situation from Miao Zifu's phone, she was also very embarrassed. Who could think that she would become like this, a woman with a bad mind.

But for Yun Bixue, being able to stare at Qiao Muwan and control Qiao Muwan solved her big problem.

I believe Qiao Muwan will not live too long.

But during this time, she also had to find a way to pry Qiao Muwan's mouth. What she wanted to know most was why Qiao Muwan hated her so much and dealt with her in every possible way?

In Yun Bixue's opinion, there must be a reason, and the reason must not be simple.

Xie Limo watched Yun Bixue sit there and wondered what he was thinking. He walked over and touched her head and said, "What's the trouble, tell me something?"

Yun Bixue smiled at Xie Limo, "With you there is no trouble."

"Well, you have a good rest at home in the past few days, and it will be the 15th Lantern Festival on the first lunar month. I will take you to see the lantern."

Yun Bixue's eyes lit up and nodded, "Okay."

Yun Bixue raised his head to meet Xie Limo's eyes, just to see that he had been staring at his stomach, she could not help laughing, "Would you like to touch it?"

Xie Limo Qingcheng's face showed a hint of blush and nodded slightly.

Yun Bixue took Xie Limo's hand on his stomach, "Although it is small, I think the child must know yours."

"Can you hear what we said?"

"I believe it can be felt, you can say a few words."

Xie Limo was always calm and calm in his daily planning, but at this time he was stumped because he didn't know what to say was the best.

Yun Bixue knew Xie Limo's nervousness, and encouraged him to say, "Just say a few words."

"Child, I am your father, I love your mother and love you, you must be good and not toss your mother." The reason why Xie Limo said this is that Yun Bixue had morning sickness reaction.

When performing an examination in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital, Xie Limo heard many women talking about the severe vomiting at the beginning and could not eat anything. They should be fat but thinner.

At that time, he was worried, but the child should be a little bit better, not too much trouble with Yun Bixue, or maybe it was too early, before the morning sickness.

Yun Bixue watched Xie Limo carefully put her hand on her belly, and then spoke softly. She could feel his tenderness and love for the child, which was so dazzling that she was fascinated.

"Li Mo, I think children are like you, no matter boys or girls are beautiful." She feels that Xie Limo's face is the most perfect and exquisite, every time she can not find words to describe.

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