Yun Bixue laughed softly, "I want to really become a dominatrix, do you still like it?"

"No matter how bad it is, my wife, not to mention you are fine."

"You now speak sweet words more and more, and I don't know if what you said is true."

Xie Limo smiled and touched Yun Bixue's head. "You know, I always say what I say from the heart."

Yun Bixue was in a good mood, hugged Xie Limo, leaned his head on his neck, closed his eyes, and said, "Li Mo, I am very happy."

"I know."

"It just makes you more stressed."

"Protecting you and your children is my responsibility, and I am as happy as I am."

Leaning on Xie Limo, after a while, Yun Bixue was also sleepy, yawned, and fell asleep.

Xie Limo heard her shallow breath, smiled helplessly, and gazed heavily at her.

After she fell asleep, Xie Limo quietly picked her up and put it on the kang, covered her with a quilt, and then sat on the kang head and looked at her.

Recently, Yun Bixue has been lethargic, and after a meal, she was sleepy after a conversation.

Therefore, except when cooking, the servant came in to serve, the rest of the time, he and Yun Bixue at home, the quiet environment will help her rest.

He inquired that after a few months of pregnancy, her belly was big, and it was not easy for her to fall asleep.

Xie Limo's eyes showed distress, but there was no way to share for her, and she could only think of things ahead for her.

That evening, Xie Limo also called Xie Liu and said, "The Lu family can close the Internet as soon as possible."


Xie Liu understands that since Lv Suyan has moved to kill Mrs. Shao, the prosperity of the entire rich family like the Lu family is here, and Xie Shao will definitely deal with the Lu family.

"Although Lv Suyan was expelled from the door of the Lv family, you can find a breakthrough in her. Many of the children of the Lv family must be jealous of Lv Suyan. At this time, it was the time when Lü Suyan's resentment and resentment reached a certain level. At that time, there is absolute lethality to the Lu family, you can take advantage of it."

"Understood!" Xie Liu knew that Xie Shao was able to control the weakness of human nature very well, so that it would not take too much effort to solve the Lu family.

When Yun Bixue woke up the next day, it was almost noon.

Yun Bixue scrubbed, looked at the time, and said to Xie Limo: "Yaoyao said she went back to Ning'an to see, how many days have not come back?"

"Did you just call her yesterday?"

"Yeah, I called yesterday. She said she would come back today, but it was noon. She hadn't returned yet."

"Don't worry, you will call her again later."

"En." Regarding Bai Yaoyao, Yun Bixue was actually a bit worried. She always felt that Bai Yaoyao had a lot of thoughts.

She asked Bai Yaoyao, and Bai Yaoyao did not say. She knew that because she was pregnant, Yao Yao picked up some happy things and told her that she did not try to say anything unhappy.

By the time of noon, Bai Yaoyao came back, and Yunbi Xuesong breathed, "Yaoyao, you can count back, or should I worry more."

Bai Yaoyao immediately supported Yun Bixue, "You be careful, walk slowly, scared me, I tell you that you can come back at noon."

Yun Bixue's thoughts are delicate, she can clearly see that Bai Yaoyao's face is not right, "Yaoyao, do you have any worries or concerns?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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