Although this shadow guard has doubts, he understands that in the heart of Xie Shao, the weight of Mrs. Shao is multiple, and he respectfully said: "Yes!"

Then went to press Lu Suyan over.

Lv Suyan was gag-closed and speechless. When she looked at Yun Bixue, her eyes were fierce and even more fierce.

Yun Bixue's expression was faint, and he looked at Lu Suyan predominantly and said indifferently: "Lu Suyan, Miss Lu, Ao is wrong. Now you are not Miss Lu. It is useless to look at me with such hatred. You should know that you really should hate Is the one who instructs you behind."

Lu Suyan listened, her eyes flickering.

Yun Bixue continued: "You think, why don't the people behind kill me directly, why don't you send someone else instead of sending you? Explain that the person behind you originally wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone."

Lü Suyan listened, and thought again, a shock was cast all over her body. She did not understand why Yuan Shuangrui wanted to kill her, why did she kill him with someone else's hand?

Lv Suyan's look, Yun Bixue also saw in her eyes, with a hint of sarcasm in her heart, said calmly: "If it is a woman, I am afraid that you are too beautiful to block her path, if it is a man, maybe You want to get rid of you and remove you, are you right?"

Lu Suyan thought of Yuan Shuangrui, her complexion changed a lot. It turned out that she was afraid that her beauty would replace her, or that she would be taken by Han Shao!

It must be like this, yes, it must be like this.

With this idea, Lv Suyan became afraid. Yuan Shuangrui knew that she couldn't deal with Yun Bixue by herself, and asked her to go in person, not to let anyone take it. That's the way, it was easy to confuse the other party, shit, Yuan Shuangrui, a woman with a bad mind!

She was deceived by Yuan Shuangrui!

Lu Suyan began to struggle constantly, regretting not falling, she should not believe Yuan Shuangrui, she now hates to tear Yuan Shuangrui's mouth.

Yun Bixue made three words, and successfully transferred Lu Suyan's hatred out.

I believe that even if she let go of Lu Suyan now, she would seek revenge from others, not her.

"Also, the people behind, want to remove you, and by my hand, let the Lu family expel you out of the house. Only by expelling you out of the house, you are not the Lu family. Without threats, your family will not avenge you. You said that she has multiple tactics, you killed me or not, your results are the same, if you kill me, you will definitely be killed by my people, not kill me, You must also pay for what you did, and the Lu family was kicked out of the house. Either way, you are dead. How much do the people behind hate you, and use my hand to remove you..."

Yun Bixue analyzed, and Lu Suyan listened, the more surprised, the more afraid, and finally began to struggle, as if she wanted to say something, uh... I wanted to speak, but my mouth was blocked and I couldn't speak.

Yun Bixue didn't let go of her mouth, she just said, "For the Lu family, you are actually a chess piece, your father has so many sons and daughters, and you are not born of your current wife, you say He will ignore your family for you? Don’t dream, your chess piece is useless, you are abandoned by your Lu family, you still think about how to survive in the future, maybe your half brothers and sisters will send someone You have been secretly killed!"

Lu Suyan's face was no longer white, Tie Qing's face was horrified.

Yun Bixue knew that she had listened to her own words. As long as she was not a fool, she would naturally understand the ins and outs by such analysis.

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