Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1434: Xie Shao's distress and anxiety

Everything is carried out according to Xie Shao's plan. I believe that even if high-level officials conceal the smuggling of arms, they cannot conceal it.

This is really the best opportunity, the arrangement of Xie Shao and Mrs. Shao can always be unexpected.

I believe that this time, no matter who is behind his back, he can’t cover it if he wants to cover it. After all, it comes from Lu Suyan’s mouth. Such breaking news will soon be known by the people of the Imperial Capital, even the people of the entire country A.

No one can protect the Lu family today. As for the Yuan family, this is also Qin Huai Ling's opportunity.

Xie Liu looked at it for a while, his eyes were faint and his expression was unpredictable. When everyone was gone, he saw Lu Suyan falling prostrate and fell to the ground. He waved his hand to the dark place and let Xie's people protect Lu Suyan.

This is important evidence.

In the end, Lu Suyan was taken away, and when the reporter got it back, no one was there.

Xie Liu also reported this important news to Xie Shao.

Xie Limo was standing in the bathroom at the moment, slapping Yun Bixue on the back.

In terms of time, Yun Bixue has been pregnant for more than a month. She is now having morning sickness, and she has very severe morning sickness. As soon as she eats, she easily vomits and almost cannot eat at all.

This can't help Xie Li's troubles, and can't do it anymore.

"Vomit...vomit..." Yun Bixue was lying on the pool, vomiting constantly, even though he couldn't spit out anything, he still wanted to vomit.

Xie Limo was terribly distressed. Looking at her pale face, she was also anxious. "Axue, can you get better?"

Yun Bixue shook his head, a little sweat on his forehead, and the whole person was weak.

Xie Limo was holding her back while patting her back. The intensity was very light. I wish I could bear this for Yun Bixue.

At this time Xie Limo also heard the sound of the phone ringing outside, but he took care of it flawlessly, and now all his thoughts were on Yun Bixue.

Even the most important things are not as important as Yun Bixue.

Yun Bixue heard the phone ringing and said: "Li Mo, you go to pick up the phone, all three rings, I guess what is important."

"It's more important than you."

"I'm fine, go check it out."


"I won't vomit, go out with you."

When the two went out, Yun Bixue was sitting on the sofa. She couldn't sit at the dining table. When she saw those things, she didn't want to eat, she just wanted to vomit.

She knew that this was not a way to go, but she couldn't control it herself.

Xie Limo observed Yun Bixue while picking up the phone. Hearing Xie Liu’s report, a slight arc was raised in the corner of his mouth, “Very well, continue to follow the plan, and stare at King Kang, if he is really controlling , This time he will definitely take extraordinary measures."


After the explanation was over, Xie Limo hurried to Yun Bixue's side, soaked some acid residue water for her to drink.

After drinking, Yun Bixue felt better, "Li Mo, why do you say I like sour and spicy food?"

"You can't eat more spicy food, and you can't eat more sour food. I'll buy some candied gourds and come back. You can sit well and don't move."

"it is good."

After Xie Limo went out, one was to buy sugar gourds and pickled rice cakes, and the other was to call his mother to get his experience and how to treat this morning sickness.

Ji Qiongxin listened to his son’s worried voice and was also anxious. “Son, this is a normal reaction and cannot be fully treated, and taking medicine is always bad for the body. I still need to relax properly, reduce stress, feel better, eat Order something you love..."

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