Xie Limo's face was not very good. He remembered what his mother said. Morning sickness also has a lot to do with stress and bad mood.

His eyes had been locked in Yun Bixue deeply, wondering what she was thinking.

Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo's tense expression, and sighed secretly in her heart. She shouldn't say this sentence and looked at him nervously.

"Li Mo, generally speaking, if you are pregnant, I can't satisfy you in the first three months, will you be uncomfortable, will you have other ideas?" With his head down, his hands were constantly rubbing on his legs.

Xie Limo's face immediately became cold. He naturally understood the subtext in Yun Bixue's discourse. His gorgeous eyes looked deeply at Yun Bixue, and his lips did not speak.

Although Yun Bixue didn't look up, she could feel the low air pressure in the air. The air was whizzing. She threw her tongue out and should not say this.

After a while, Xie Limo put down the fire in his heart, squatted down, stared at Yun Bixue, and held her shoulders, said: "Axue, you look at my eyes."

Yun Bixue looked up weakly and looked at Xie Limo. His heart trembled, and he was afraid to look at each other. "Li Mo, I..."

"Axue, do you think I am that kind of person?"

Yun Bixue shook his head busy, "No!"

Xie Limo took a deep breath, thinking that the other day, every night, he held her really very forbearing, and it was hard for her to bear, and made her think more, it was his wrong, "Axue, I said that only right You have feelings, and only have such a deep desire for you. Before I met you, I could live a life of indifference. Can I not bear it for a few months? I was planning to endure for ten months, since you Say three months, then three months!"

"Li Mo, I was wrong. I just talked, not doubted you."

Yun Bixue's heart is beating faster. She actually likes to tell Xie Limo what she has in mind now. She didn't think much about it, but she didn't expect that she just made it so that Xie Limo could be so angry.

Yun Bixue felt guilty in his heart, and felt that he couldn't hide his words. He couldn't say anything next time.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue and looked down like a child who made mistakes, and he couldn't bear to be angry. He remembered that the mother said that women were easily insecure at this time. The mother said that she had also doubted her father and even saw hair on her father's hair , Are extremely insecure and want to leave.

The mother did not hide from his son, and the mother also said that she would cry secretly at night at that time because of irrational thoughts.

He didn't understand women, only in the words of his mother, women were extremely vulnerable at this time.

Xie Limo felt that Yun Bixue would not suddenly talk about this for no reason.

He began to read through the books beside him. When he saw an Ailin magazine, it was full of stories about derailments.

Xie Limo read two articles, and then tore them.

He picked up his phone and typed a few words on it. That night, the magazine was shut down due to various violations.

These Yun Bixue did not know, but Xie Limo would review every book she read afterwards, and make sure that there were no bad stories and words before Yun Bixue could read it.

Regarding the smuggling of arms, although many reporters go back to report to the leaders and think of writing headlines as soon as possible, the leaders of media news are embarrassed. This matter is too big. They are still undecided about whether to report to the outside world.

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