After Xie Limo opened the door, he was shocked when he saw Qin Huai Ling.

He looked at his arm, his face slightly changed, and said, "Come in."

After Qin Huai Ling entered, Xie Limo looked around and told Yingwei to be more cautious tonight to prevent any suspicious people from approaching the villa.

Qin Huai Ling entered the house and fell down, his face pale and sweating.

Xie Limo quickly checked him, "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Huailing paled, sweating on his forehead and gasping: "I got a shot in my chest and a shot in my arm..." After he finished, he almost fainted, and he coughed up and bleeding in his mouth.

He came here with all his strength.

Xie Limo looked at him, his face stiffened and pale. He didn't expect that Qin Huai Ling would be shot, even if he guarded carefully.

He had to rethink the abilities of the royal capital.

Xie Limo quickly laid Qin Huai Ling on his back, and then took out the first aid kit. If it was something else, he could not do much, but the gunshot wound was one of his specialties.

More than ten years ago, when he was ten years old, the first time he was shot was a bullet he had taken himself. Each subsequent time, he took the bullet himself. It was already a practice to make perfect.

Xie Limo pressed Qin Huailing's wound with a white cloth.

Qin Huai's sore body sweated and still gritted his teeth, "Xie Limo, you are right. Fortunately, no one knows about my good legs, otherwise I won't be able to escape this time."

Xie Limoning said: "You have already prepared, why did you get shot?"

"It's me who underestimated Yuan Shuangrui. She used the Yuan family and used the power of an international killer to kill me."

Xie Limo talked to him and diverted Qin Huai Ling's attention, while helping him fetch bullets, "You are a small woman, I have emphasized how many times I told you, you still careless."

"Yes, I just didn't expect that she will use the power of the international killer to kill me. The woman is ruthless, really ruthless! The army I brought was wiped out." His enmity with Yuan Shuangrui is getting deeper and deeper, either you die or I live.

Just when Xie Limo fetched Qin Huai Ling's bullets, there was also a siren sound outside. The noise was very noisy.

Yun Bixue had been asleep, and was startled by the noise.

She got up from Kang and didn't see Xie Limo, but when she heard the sound of the siren outside, she knew what had happened. She opened the curtains and looked outside. Two police cars were parked outside the villa.

Yun Bixue was shocked and quickly went to Kang.

When she came to the living room wearing slippers, she saw that Xie Limo was fetching bullets for Qin Huai, a bullet was placed on the plate, and the ground was also covered with blood stains.

Yun Bixue was shocked for a moment. Looking at the blood, a vomit came up. She covered her mouth and hurried into the bathroom.

Xie Limo was worried about Yun Bixue, his face was pale, and his eyes were distressed. He did not expect that there would be a siren sound outside and would wake Yun Bixue.

But now he can't use it all, and he still needs a bullet to take out.

The sweat on Xie Limo's forehead dropped, and the bullet position on his chest was not very good. He had to take it out carefully.

Yun Bixue went to the bathroom and tried to control her morning sickness. She washed her face with cold water to keep herself awake.

She looked at herself in the mirror and told herself that the current situation required her, and she must remain calm and rational.

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