Hearing Yun Bixue's words, Xie Limo looked up at her, her condensed expression softened, her expression softened a lot, and her heart also gently rippled.

In fact, all his efforts, perseverance, and motivation come from his wife.

Because of love, life is full of power.

Xie Limo rubbed Yun Bixue's head and smiled silently.

Ling Nanchen looked at the look of the two, and his expression moved. From the earliest time, he was called to treat Yun Bixue's fingers, and he understood the importance of Yun Bixue to Xie Limo.

Looking back at this time, he feels that it is no longer as simple as importance, and may exceed his life.

In the past, Xie Limo's affairs were cruel enough to make people disappear without knowing it, even a family can disappear quietly.

The means are **** enough and effective enough.

In the Imperial City, the reason for this step-by-step, he speculated, may be because Xie Limo was afraid that Yun Bixue could not accept too **** means, so Xie Limo took some roundabout formal methods.

And now Yun Bixue is pregnant, this is the biggest thing, before the child is born, must hide from the headquarters.

Qin Huai Ling kept his head down for contemplation, and his mind kept echoing what Xie Limo just said.

Yuan Shuangrui treated him like this, he must not swallow this breath, Qiu must report it.

Suddenly his aura flashed and he understood Xie Limo's meaning. He grabbed Xie Limo's hand and said, "Xie Shao, even if the Yuan family didn't smuggle arms, you can still be charged with smuggling arms!"

Xie Limo nodded, "Yes, I think so."

"Xie Shao, I want to borrow arms to arrange for the Yuan family."

"Yuan's precautions are very strict. It is not so easy to transport the arms to Yuan's home, so as to ensure that the Yuan's arms are smuggled."

Qin Huailing's face was pale and his expression was lonely. He waited for so many years. With the help of Xie Limo, he regained the power of the Qin family. Is it impossible to face the Yuan family?

No... he thinks there will be a way.

Suddenly he looked, "Xie Shao, I have a way to dig tunnels. I have a team that is best at building tunnels. The green Changlin building in Zibei City was the tunnel that this team dug."

Xie Li's eyes lit up, his hands tapped on the paper, and said: "Very good, this method is good, but be careful, and we have to discuss where to start digging is the most convenient, after digging, move the arms into, Seal the tunnel again."

This night, the three people were discussing there, and Yun Bixue listened carefully beside him.

At two o'clock in the morning, Ling Nanchen quietly took Qin Huai Ling away, and the villa returned to calm.

Xie Limo touched Yun Bixue's face and kissed: "Axue, let you follow the hard work, shall we go back and rest?"


Even if she is full of energy now and doesn't want to sleep, she has to take into account Xie Limo's mood. The two can rest well together.

Today, she can't sleep without him, as is Xie Limo. If Yun Bixue is not around, he can't sleep all night.

Not long after she slept, Yun Bixue's tummy began to ache. She turned pale and covered her belly with her hands. She thought it would be good for a while, but after a while, the pain was still bursting.

Yun Bixue became frightened and had to call Xie Limo, saying, "Li Mo, what to do, my stomach hurts, I'm scared..."

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