Xie Limo closed his eyes and controlled his emotions. He only allowed himself to be vulnerable for a moment, and he would continue to be the towering tree of Yun Bixue.

Xie Limo patted Ling Nanchen's shoulder, "You go back, I don't need you here for a while, and I have enough tossing one night, take a good rest."

"I have greeted the hospital and I can't let it go. I will go back when Yun Bixue comes out!"

Xie Wu and Ling Nanchen have been waiting for Xie Limo outside.

It wasn't until dawn that the team of doctors came out of the emergency room and said to Xie Limo: "It's okay, I was just a little scared. Go back and take a good rest. Don't be scared anymore."

Xie Limo listened, and was really relieved, "Thank you."

The attending doctor was flattered and shook his head again and again, "No need to thank you."

In the VIP ward of the hospital, Yun Bixue was quietly asleep, and Xie Limo sat next to him, holding her hand and looking at her all the time. It seemed that she couldn't see enough.

Yun Bixue experienced all this tonight, Xie Limo attributed everything to the Yuan family.

He will not let anyone involved in this matter tonight.

He hasn't shot for a long time, and the secret people really thought that the people of Xie were vegetarian.

He quietly arranged to Xie Wu: "This time, you don't need to care about the consequences. The bigger the better, even if it can't be cleaned up, the emperors are rioting.


Xie Wu understands that Mrs. Shao is Xie Shao's weakness, that is, his rib. Whoever touches this rib will pay the price.

The next day, the news about arms smuggling became more and more popular, and finally even if the royal family came out, it could not be suppressed.

His Royal Highness Mansion

Kang Wang Xia Jun Yanting listened to the following report and suddenly got up and pushed all the things on his desk to the ground. "Yesterday, you only reported to me this morning!"

"Please, Your Highness is in anger, it is your dereliction of duty."

Kang Wang Xia Jun Yanting held his aching head, looked at the news on the webpage, his eyelids jumped straight, the smuggling of arms was suppressed by him last year, and I did not expect it to be re-initiated again just after the year. .

And without warning, this kind of news is now almost a household name, and he can't justify it anymore.

This time, those who provoked the incident forced their royal family and officials to take punitive measures.

Xia Junyanting looked at the news carefully, and finally sat down weakly, closed his eyes, rubbed his head vigorously, and just looked at these views, and there were tens of thousands of comments, he had a bad headache, and his head was blown up. The same.

Such a thing was completely unexpected.

"Very good, very good..." Kang Wang said several good words one after another. For him, this is the first time this has happened in these three decades.

The first time he got out of control was because his fiancee followed his brother. This time he almost got out of control because he wanted to suppress the smuggling of arms, but he couldn't.

A deep sense of weakness flooded his mind.

He thought of his brother Xia Junyanli. He concealed himself from politics and had a son, but he did! It's for the highest position that you do nothing.

Ha ha, do people naturally love power? No, because he was King Kang, but had nothing, and out of the power of love, he did not know what else to do.

"Your Highness, what should I do now?"

"You still ask me what to do? I can't think about myself, is it all a waste to raise you people?"

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