Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1449: Taking care of Yun Bixue is what he is most willing to do

Xie Limo got up and took the tableware in Yun Bixue's hands, and said warmly: "Don't be tired yourself."

"I am not unable to move, the doctor said, activity, it is good for me and my baby."

Xie Limo realized a problem at this time, and his alluring face was full of worry, "Did you not eat at noon?"

Yun Bixue said: "Eat, after you fall asleep, I wake up and go to the hospital cafeteria to eat, I am not a child, I will take care of myself, I will take care of myself very well in the future, you should also make yourself easier ."

Xie Limo hooked Yun Bixue closer to her, then kissed her lips, drunkenly opened her lips and teeth, breathed her breath, and tasted her fragrance.

Xu Yu let Yun Bixue go away and said, "Taking care of you is what I am most willing to do."

God knows that when she got a stomachache last night, he almost lost his soul in fright. This is the first time he has felt in these years, worried and afraid.

In fact, he was also a little laughed in his heart. Before he met Yun Bixue, he didn't know that he would become like this one day. For the loved one, he would do anything for himself.

Love will give people a sense of belonging, and will make their hearts sweet and warm.

In the past, his life was only a monotonous gray-white color. Since he met Yun Bixue, his life has become colorful.

So he understood that he could not lose her.

"What do you look at me like this? Will I not disappear?"

Xie Limo smiled softly, put a chaos on Yun Bixue's mouth and said, "Axue looks good, you eat one too."

Yun Bixue took Xie Limo's hand and ate the chaos.

The two experienced the thrill of the early morning, and now they are relaxed, you and I get up.

Ding Guangwei in a hospital saw no doctors or nurses taking care of him for a whole day and started yelling.

The surrounding sicknesses are attracted to the past.

Someone knew Ding Guangwei and looked at it against the phone, wondering: "Do you think this is Ding Guangwei?"

"Yeah, it's on the news, and it's also on the webpage, saying that corruption and bribery violated discipline, and it specifically used its power to seek private gain."

"There are also bullying people, rushing into houses in the middle of the night, arrogant..."

"I heard that he took dozens of people from the police station yesterday and ran into a private house and stole a lot of antiques. Because they stole too much, they broke people in the yard..."

"And this thing?"

"Look, it's in the photos, but it's a genuine antique! It won't be fake..."


Several patients were talking to Ding Guangwei, and they started to discuss. Several of them were discharged from the hospital. Pingguang was lying in the hospital, but it was really boring. There is a Ding Guangwei here, which can be used for discussion and entertainment. .

Ding Guangwei listened to the words of several people at the door, and then listened to the disdainful tone, his face was iron and iron, "You nonsense, nonsense!"

"Huh, it's clearly written on the webpage, this is not what we say, don't believe you read the news yourself?"

"Don't give him the phone, this kind of person doesn't know what can be done, stay away from him."

"Also, it is not a good person at a glance, but also became the leader of the police station, and I don't know how to become a leader!"

"The news also has follow-up. His brother came out and said that Ding Guangwei bought the official himself."


Listen, Ding Guangwei was trembling, not angry, he couldn't believe it, he wanted to scold, but he couldn't speak for a while because of excessive anger.

Struggling to fall from bed to the ground, no one went up to help.

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