All along, the Yellow King withdrew from the political arena. After he was responsible for the royal family, everyone took his thoughts and his thoughts as a decree to implement.

Even if there is a violation, it is also a decree.

For His Royal Highness, Master Kang had such power, and his words were very good, but when the night was quiet, he only felt his heart became empty and people became colder.

His father has reached his age, is in poor health, needs rest, and is not in contact with the outside world.

As if in the royal family, only he stood alone in the high place,

In fact, after the smuggling of arms was exposed, he was shocked and angry at first, but later found out that this is actually good, giving him a different stimulation and freshness in his life.

It was just that he would be tired after all.

When Han Mubai returned to the Han family, he did not talk about his affairs with Yuan Shuangrui. The marriage between the two involved the affairs of the two big families. He still had to find a good solution.

Because once it fails, the Han and Yuan families can easily become enemies.

Han Mubai leaned on the back of the chair and kept thinking about it. He had to find a complete solution.

When marrying the Yuan family, it was because of Yuan Shuangrui's character ability and the background of the Yuan family that the Han family married.

For him, as the heir, he must bear the responsibility of the Han family, even if it is his love and marriage, it is mainly family.

It's just that Rao is no matter how wise he is, if he thinks about it comprehensively, he won't think that Yuan Shuangrui is such a woman with deep imagination.

He is not disgusted by a woman with a deep imagination, but calculating it on him completely bored him.

Imagine that a person by the pillow who calculates all day will not be accepted by anyone.

When Han Mubai was thinking deeply, he didn't know. Now he posted about Weibo about him and Yuan Shuangrui.

It's just that he doesn't know, but his confidant assistant will report important things to him as soon as possible.

"Han Shao, I posted a photo of Miss Yuan from the hotel online. Things about you are very hot on Weibo."

"Really?" Han Mubai's expression was very weak. He knew that anything could not cover the fire, but he didn't expect it to be posted online so quickly.

"Shan Han, what should I do next?"

Han Mubai thought about it, and his eyes flashed, "Remember Lu Suyan's words? The Yuan family also participated in the smuggling of arms."

"Remember, Han Shao means, this matter is going to be a big deal, check the Yuan family?"

"No, let Lu Suyan come forward to emphasize this matter and the Yuan family will surely be investigated."

"What if the Yuan family did not smuggle arms?"

Han Mubai smiled leisurely, "You, have been with me for so long, but you are stupid. Do you think the giants dare to be investigated?"

Wu Zheng suddenly realized, "It's still the young master, the Yuan family is always a little overwhelming. If you check this, you will always find out what will happen. When the young master pushes the boat, the Yuan family's affairs will be easily solved."

"Well, do it!"


An Jiaxuan, An Yexuan has been retrieving his Chu Feier since day and night, how to coax Chu Feier to be happy all day long, and to recall the good times of the university with her.

For Xie Xie, playing Chu Feier was really boring, because she watched how An Yexuan was stupid every day.

Especially when she heard An Yexuan talk about those college days, she was terribly cold.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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