I remember when checking the information of An Yexuan, An Yexuan used to be the sunshine boy of the imperial capital. Sunshine justice is also the pride of Anjia’s head.

He has been very good since he was a teenager. Whether he is talented or human, he can't say a word.

Anjia is also because of the existence of An Yexuan, so that the owner of Anjia sees hope, and Anjia has also developed rapidly in those years.

It was just that when An Yexuan was in college, he chose to look elsewhere. That is, he went to the most prosperous city of Ning'an, went to the best university in the country, and went to the same school as Yun Bixue.

In the words of Yun Bixue, when she was in her freshman year, she met An Yexuan and wanted to meet. At that time, An Yexuan was a sunny man with a sense of justice.

At that time, he was really good with Yun Bixue, thinking about her everywhere, protecting her, taking care of her, and everything could be considered for her.

If this were not the case, Yun Bixue would not tolerate An Yexuan so much, nor would he remember his goodness just when he graduated.

It's just that all the changes seem to start from Chu Feier.

It seems that after meeting Ye Fei from An Yexuan, his entire personality and way of thinking have changed completely.

If it is true that evil spirits have been caught, then it may have something to do with Chu Feier.

Although it is a scientific society, there are also hermit families in this world, and the art of witchcraft and guts in some hermit families is also normal.

Xie Limo sighed quietly. Fortunately, she didn't kill Chu Feier in a snap. If you really killed her, the clue might be broken.

Xie Limo took out his mobile phone again, pressed a few times on it, and sent a secret message. He sent two elites to go to country F, carefully studied and observed Chu Feier.

In the VIP nursing room, Yun Bixue actually woke up when Xie Limo got up.

She kept her eyes open, watching, waiting, for a while, and did not see Xie Limo back.

Yun Bixue knew in her heart that there might be something important, and she knew that even if it was important, Xie Limo might not tell her now.

He was afraid to tell himself that he would think again, which is bad for his health.

In fact, now she has developed a habit, that is, when Xie Limo is not around, it is really not easy to fall asleep, unless she is too sleepy and tired, she will fall asleep on her own.

She turned her head and looked outside the window, and it was almost dawn.

She knew that the emperor would not be too peaceful as soon as daylight turned out. In fact, every sensation is for better peace.

The imperial capital has actually been decaying secretly, and the dark tide is surging. She and Xie Limo just broke this balanced pattern and let the undercurrent flow to the bright side.

When Xie Limo opened the door, Yun Bixue quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

She actually didn't want to worry about Xie Limo, if he knew he didn't sleep well, he would probably think more.

Xie Limo sighed: "Wake up?"

Yun Bixue opened his eyes and curled his lips, "How do you know I'm awake?"

"For so long, if I don't know my wife, can I still be a competent husband?"

Yun Bixue chuckled loudly, and then she had to sit up. Xie Limo quickly went up to support her, helped her to sit up, and then put a pillow behind her.

"Maybe I was too sleepy some time ago, and I slept too much, but I'm sober these days."

"Sleep is too shallow, rest is not good, I will tell the doctor, and then open the store to protect the Chinese medicine."

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