Yun Bixue's eyes gleamed with firmness. Last time Xie Limo's words, she always remembered them in her ears.

At that time she asked Xie Limo, what should King Kang do to protect the Yuan family?

Xie Limo said that someone who is opposite to King Kang can appear.

At that time, she began to think about who can oppose King Kang. There is no doubt that it is His Royal Highness.

She did have selfishness in looking for His Royal Highness. She just didn't want to make her family Mr. Xie so hard, she just wanted to help him.

Xia Junyanli has been silent for a long time, "Ms. Xie, Haoer likes you very much. Do you think you can move me?"

"His Royal Highness, you are a child with a child. Understand that being a parent can do everything for a child. Haoer is a very good child. I like him and treat him well. There is no reason. I also thought of it only recently. Looking for you, to be honest, what I said above is justified. In private, I just do something for the person I love and my unborn child. Even if it makes you embarrassed, I still want to persuade you."

After finishing the speech, Yun Bixue looked up at Xia Junyanli frankly, his eyes were frank, and his inner thoughts were also clear.

Xia Junyanli's hand trembling with the tea cup, a drop of tea dropped outside.

He looked at the tea, his eyes slightly sluggish, and the elegant scent changed into a trace of sadness. He murmured: "It turned out to be for lovers and children."

That woman also appealed to her loved ones and children.

He still remembers the time when he asked her why Qiu begged herself, and she answered him because he was upright and believed.

Oh, he didn't know why she was believed, but she did what she asked.

When Xia Junyanli looked up again, he looked at Yun Bixue and said: "Why, come to me, you should know, I will refuse you."

Yun Bixue shook his head, "No, I think that one day, His Royal Highness King will come out, will re-enter the royal family and political arena, and return the emperor to peace."

Xia Junyan Li Ruya smiled, "So sure?"

Yun Bixue firmly said: "Yes, so sure."

"Why believe me?"

"Xie Limo believes in His Royal Highness, and I also believe in it."

Xia Junyanli handed the tea to Yun Bixue and said, "Drink some tea, don't be so nervous."

Yun Bixue froze for a long time. She did look tight all the time. When she heard Xia Junyanli's words, she slightly relaxed herself and said: "The people's daughter hopes that Her Royal Highness can consider it carefully, and does not hide from His Royal Highness. Since Li Mo came to the Imperial Capital, King Kang I wanted to win him, but Mr. Xie in my house was very upright. He did not stand clearly on the side of King Kang. So after the incident in Guixian County, he was sent out, and that time, I almost couldn't see him!"

Speaking of which, Yun Bixue's mood began to decline, and whenever she thought of that time, her heart followed her pain, and she also increased her life with Li Mo.

Xia Junyanli sat opposite, and could feel the sadness of Yun Bixue's body.

He interjected: "If I guess right, the reason for the smuggling of arms this time is also related to Xie Limo, and you are afraid that King Kang will be bad for you again?"

Yun Bixue nodded and said, "I do not hide from your Highness, I am indeed worried, and I can't bear the danger of losing him because I have children. Once he has something wrong, I may go with him, so I can only do my best to protect Well, as long as there are complete measures, no one wants to take that step."

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