More than a dozen female soldiers said enthusiastically, showing their fierce eyes, and wishing to kill all the enemies.

Bai Yaoyao's face also turned blue, how could they be found so hidden?

"It is estimated that we killed those patrolling soldiers and were targeted."

"I didn't stare early or late, but at this time, I felt something was wrong."

"Quickly think of a way!"


Bai Yaoyao waved to make everyone restless, "I guess the woman was in trouble."

After Bai Yaoyao's words came out, more than a dozen female soldiers' faces became horrified. They could use the Southern Army as an enemy, but if ordinary citizens died because of them, they felt guilty.

Bai Yaoyao condensed and said: "You all lie down, I'll take a look at the tree."

With that, Bai Yaoyao quickly climbed to a tall tree, took a telescope and looked at it from a distance. When she saw the southern soldiers with no more than a hundred people, she looked tense.

And these people quickly approached them, and if the submachine gun's random shooting sound was bad, it shot them.

The tree fell quickly, Bai Yaoyao scattered everyone, and quickly headed towards the back mountain.

"The vines of this tree can be made into ropes. I looked at it. The mountain opposite the cliff is not far away. If we use tall trees, we can use this rope to pass."

Fortunately, Bai Yaoyao wears steel wire on his wrist.

Bai Yaoyao led everyone to their destination quickly.

When the mountain reached halfway up the mountain, Bai Yaoyao's wrist moved, and the bracelet switch was turned on. The rope crossed the cliff with the steel wire and shot into the opposite wall.

Bai Yaoyao tried the robustness and let everyone hurry up.

More than a dozen female soldiers walked opposite each other in an orderly manner.

Only Bai Yaoyao looked tense, constantly looking at the back.

Seeing that there were the last two on the rope in the middle of the cliff, the police dog had found them. Bai Yaoyao picked up the gun with both hands and started shooting at each other. Be sure to give the two people time to let the last two pass.

"Quick, cut their rope, cut..."

"Kill them, this is a northern spy..."

"Don't let them pass!"

The female soldiers in the past also started shooting at this side with a gun. After the last two female soldiers passed, the enemy had begun to approach Bai Yaoyao.

Bai Yaoyao got a shot, gritted his teeth and cut the rope on the side, and then held the rope on the side of the cliff with his hand, swinging towards the opposite side, and the whole person followed the rope toward the opposite side due to gravity.

The enemy's submachine gun fired fiercely. The enemy wanted to come over in the same way to chase them down, and even called for a helicopter.

On Bai Yaoyao's side, more than a dozen female soldiers shot to cover and half pulled the rope hard, trying to pull Bai Yaoyao down below.

Bai Yaoyao shouted from above the cliff towards the top: "Don't care about me, go away, go away..."

Bai Yaoyao clearly understands that if he saves himself, more than a dozen people are likely to be buried here together. If he does not die and becomes a captive, it is too cruel for female soldiers.

Bai Yaoyao saw that the Southern Army was coming over. Her anxious complexion turned white, and sweat on her forehead continued to emerge. Long search in the forest, coupled with the gun in her arm, almost exhausted all her strength.

Bai Yaoyao gritted his teeth and said: "I order you to leave alive and leave alive."

"No, no... Sister Bai, we can't leave you, Sister Bai..."

No matter what they thought, Bai Yaoyao took a dagger from his waist and shouted to it: "Listen to my orders, I cut the rope, and you leave immediately."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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