The major shopping malls have ushered in the peak sales period, and there are many ladies and girls who come and go to buy, and the turnover has also followed.

"This dress is very beautiful, I guess Han Shao should like this."

"I heard that Han Shao liked the cute type, I am cute."

"Han Shao likes me like this, with temperament."

"I am like this."

"I like this..."


The women gathered together, just like Bimei, because even if they didn't agree, they even got into a fight.

When Tian Xiaojuan and Tan Xinxuan went shopping in the mall, they saw such a fight. The two opened their mouths and looked at each other.

"Is this still the case?"

"Can it all fight?"

"For the unsuspecting Han Shao?"

Tian Xiaojuan and Tan Xinxuan shrugged at last, and the two picked up the camera to take a picture of the scene.

When Tian Xiaojuan walked out of the mall, he laughed, and looked forward and back, "Put this photo on the webpage, it is absolutely in flames."

"Do you think these women are naive or stupid, they can quarrel for Han Shao when they buy a dress? Does Han Shao not look right in front of them, does it make sense?" Tan Xinxuan didn't understand how he looked at the photos.

Tian Xiaojuan rubbed his face and said, "You don't know, where there are women, there is war. Anyway, it also adds a little fun to our boring life. Go, find a place to go online, upload the photos, and see the comments later. There will be a good show."

"Yes, it's not boring now."


When Tian Xiaojuan and Tan Xinxuan uploaded the photos, it didn't take long for someone to start posting, reposting, and commenting, and within an hour, the following comments began to become lively.

When the Han family saw this hot spot on the Internet, they still reported to Han Mubai respectfully.

Han Mubai just glanced at it, then said indifferently: "Don't care."

"But Han Shao, you are now single again, even if you do nothing, it will still cause a wave of citizens."

Han Mubai put down the pen in his hand, looked up at his assistant, and said lightly: "You mean, what do I have to do? Or rather find a fiancee again?"

"Sorry, Han Shao, is a dereliction of duty."

Han Mubai shook hands, contemplatively: "You have a good idea, but now the Yuan family just had an accident, and I have some gossip and gossip in my feelings, which is not good for the Han family's image."

"But Han Shao, you always want to have your own fiancee, or if time goes on, those women will become your troubles."

Han Mubai understood that what his assistant said also made sense.

"Han Shao, I mean you always have an idea or goal in this regard, which is better than being arranged by the family." If the Han family arranges for Han Shao, Han Shao may not necessarily like it, if Han Shao chooses it himself At least, he may have a love life that he likes.

Han Mubai naturally understood the meaning in the assistant's words. He took the pen and pondered, a figure in his mind flashed involuntarily.

That girl is quite clever and cute.

Thinking of her, Han Mubai's mouth was slightly raised, and only a moment later, he calmed down and said lightly: "I have no idea for the time being, let the family arrange it."

The assistant looked at Han Shao's indifferent look, knowing that Han Shao had no idea, and he was anxious and useless for his boss.

Because a lot of things happened in the past six months, officials were extremely vacant, and officials began to be promoted from the local area. Zhou Pingyu of Zibei City was directly promoted to the Minister of Propaganda Department of the Imperial Capital, responsible for the transfer of official positions.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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