Hearing Xie Limo's nagging voice, Yun Bixue laughed again.

She looked up at Xie Limo and said to him: "Her husband, you are fine."

Xie Limo took a deep look at Yun Bixue, hung the towel, and said lightly: "More and more has grown."

"It's not what you are used to."

"Okay, it's my fault, go eat!" No matter what, he could not bear her hungry.

The time passed so plainly.

All the giants began to move secretly, and began to check all the privacy and secrets in their own homes, for fear that one day they would be grasped like the Lus and Yuans.

The wealthy family heads are even more afraid of being betrayed by their subordinates.

Everyone secretly began to explore their own tones, fearing that they would also be like the Lu and Yuan families.

The family head of Anjia held a family meeting every three to five.

Except for An Yexuan, all the basic characters will be there.

The Anjia family looked at these people and lamented that none of them satisfied him.

To tell the truth, An Yexuan was out of the house. He was once his pride and hope for his family, but since he was in college, An Yexuan was confused by the Chu Feier, and the whole person changed.

The owner of Anjia was also disappointed with An Yexuan.

But now it seems that he still misses the outstanding An Ye Xuan once, the sunny An Ye Xuan once.

When the homeowner of Anjia thinks about it, he will sigh. Who knows the sorrow and depression in his heart?

An Yexuan couldn't care for a family at this time, he was trying to please "Chu Feier".

Because Chu Feier couldn't remember many things before, An Yexuan took her through many places. She would accompany her to eat what she wanted to eat, and she would do what she wanted to do.

Xie Xie looked at An Yexuan's "infatuated" look and felt a little emotion. If she was an ordinary woman, she might be really touched, but she was a deceased. Apart from loyalty to the master, the deceased had almost no personal feelings except loyalty of.

So no matter how An Yexuan behaves, she is like watching a movie.

Moreover, Xie Xie also had a certain understanding of An Yexuan in this time, and felt that An Yexuan did not have much affection for the real Chu Feier. He seemed to be controlled by something, and he seemed to make up for his guilt. As for the real She doesn’t feel much about her feelings.

Xie Xie, whenever she thinks about what An Yexuan did to Mrs. Shao, she tickled her hands to do something to An Yexuan.

She would be idle, often stimulating An Yexuan to see how he went crazy, and then go up to comfort a few words.

Another example, on a certain night, Xie Xie said to An Yexuan: "Shall we go for a walk?"

When An Yexuan heard it, he agreed without saying a word, took Xie Sixteen's hand, and went out for a walk.

Xie Sixteen had a good look at the location, so he deliberately talked to An Yexuan while walking forward with him, and finally An Yexuan stepped into the air and fell into a stinking ditch.

Xie Xie then found someone "effort" to pull An Yexuan up.

Another example, one day, Xie Sixteen wanted to see the fireworks. He called An Yexuan to go to the top of the second floor of the villa and watched the fireworks. An Yexuan accidentally rolled down the grass from the second floor and fell for two days. Can't get up.

For another example, Xie Sixteen took An Yexuan to swim, and finally An Yexuan's feet seemed to be caught by something, almost drowned in the water.

"Help, help..." An Yexuan struggled hard in the water.

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