Yun Bixue listened, and suddenly opened her eyes, her hand holding the data all moved, and she was almost unstable. She looked up to Yun Dong, "What are you saying is true?"

Yun Dong nodded energetically, "I'm very sure, as I just heard, when driving through a newspaper, two people whispered, let me catch it, and I got out and walked in quietly. Circle, hey, I heard something."

Yun Bixue looked at Yun Dong's good sales and stepped forward to hug her. "Very good. With you here, I can save my heart."

Yun Dong, who was praised, was very excited, "Miss, I know this news is useful to you."

She still remembers how the old lady went to see His Royal Highness last time. She looked anxious and worried. If Huang is an ordinary person, she could not help but go up and give him a punch.

In Yun Dong's eyes, Miss Dai went to see Huang Wang, and that was to give Huang Wang a face. He didn't know what happened, and he didn't appreciate it.

Yun Bixue smiled at Yun Dong, "This news is indeed useful, it is big news."

"Miss, did you say that it was the last time you met him, and what you said worked, and he decided to do this, and Huang Wang’s return is a good thing, and it is a big deal for the emperor and country A. Once we were in country A. Under his leadership, there is peace."

"Peace? You don't think that when the Yuan family shot against the Qin family, it was when he led." Yun Bixue thinks that being in the royal family is not necessarily omnipotent. They also have to consider the balance of the country and the rich. balance.

Listening to Yun Bixue's disapproving words, especially referring to His Royal Highness, King Huang was so indifferent, Yun Dong had to think about it.

She remembered that when the young lady went to see His Royal Highness King Huang some time ago, she said that Zhenzhen had a word. Was she thinking wrong?

"That Miss, are you?"

Yun Bixue blinked and said in a deep voice: "What I said to outsiders may not be true, only to Xie Limo and what you said was true. At first, I wanted to return the Yellow King to the royal family, but I just wanted him to Confront with King Kang, so that King Kang will not be detrimental to us. After all, because of me and Li Mo, the Lu and Yuan families are indirectly destroyed. Although the clues cannot be found, with the suspicion of King Kang, I will know sooner or later, so Had to guard."

After listening to Missy's explanation, Yun Dong suddenly realized that she was more and more admired by Missy in her heart.

"It's still a great lady, I want to be with the lady, IQ and emotional intelligence will also improve."

Looking at the light of worship in Yun Dong's eyes, her mouth twitched, and she knew that in Yun Dong's eyes, she felt good even if the things she handled were not good, this was death loyalty.

This is the case of the dead inside the Yun family. She can trust unconditionally, and they also obey her unconditionally.

Suddenly Yun Bixue's expression changed, and Yun Dong said that following her, her EQ and IQ will improve?

She still remembered that she had just met Xie Limo before, and she was a little low. She followed Xie Limo, who was close to Zhu, who was close to black, and followed, no matter what quotient was raised, although it was black and white, in short, it was good to improve of.

"Okay, you go back to rest and rest. If Huang Wang holds a press conference in the afternoon, you will find a few people to stare at together. It is best to see what the purpose of Huang Wang is."


After Yun Dong left reluctantly, Yun Bixue stood on the spot holding the data, contemplating.

"Standing for so long, not tired?"

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