Xie Limo's lips moved slightly, and he looked back at Yun Bixue, his eyes like a rising sun, with a blazing glowing light, with a bitter tenderness.

He walked over and looked at her sleeping, his eyes warm.

Yun Bixue knew that he was by his side, and even with his eyes closed, he could feel these burning eyes. She opened her eyes and said, "I like watching me so much?"

"Axue is beautiful, so naturally I want to see more."

Yun Bixue giggled, and his eyes were full of joy, "I have been pregnant for so long, my stomach is so big, is it pretty?"

"It really looks good in my eyes."

Yun Bixue was lying down to look at Xie Limo. Perhaps her eyes were too bright, or his words were too sweet, and her face was red with discontent.

Looking at Yun Bixue's blush, Xie Limo could think of the time when the two were together.

I still remember that when I kissed for the first time, I accidentally met together in the study, but that was in the villa study in Ning'an.

Although the couple has been doing more intimate things for so long, she couldn't stand it because Xie Limo looked so serious and sticky, and she was thin-skinned.

"If outsiders see it, don't you laugh at us?"

"It's just in our own home, nobody can see it."

Yun Bixue found that her face was getting thinner and thinner, which was incomparable to her family Mr. Xie. She simply closed her eyes and covered the blanket on her head so that he would not let him see.

Xie Limo took her blanket off, "You cover it like this, you can't breathe, don't hold it down."

"You won't let me sleep?"

"It's noon soon. The servant prepares the meal and you go to bed after eating." Xie Limo was worried that she would sleep and get up to eat like this.

Speaking of eating, Yun Bixue was indeed a bit hungry. She blinked her beautiful eyes and said: "I want to eat fried shrimp, I want to eat crab."

Xie Limo shook his head decisively, "No, these are cold foods. It is not good for pregnant women to eat. When the child is born, you can eat whatever you want."

"Really can't eat?"

Xie Limo nodded solemnly.

Yun Bixue swallowed, "Okay, I'll hold it for now."

Xie Limo told Yun Bixue to stay well in the study, he went to the kitchen to take a look.

Yun Bixue felt that he was not a child, and he still had to explain when he was in the study.

Since she couldn't sleep, she took a look at the books on the shelf to pass the time.

When waiting for lunch, Yun Bixue was pleasantly surprised to find that there were two shrimps on a plate on the dining table.

There are only two poor shrimps, but for Yun Bixue, it is already very exciting and exciting.

She looked at Xie Limo with her eyes wide open, wishing she could hug her and kiss her.

"Okay, don't be excited, be careful, sit down and eat."

Yun Bixue's eyes were bright and shining, and she sat down obediently. She hadn't waited to reach out. Xie Limo picked up the two shrimps, peeled them, and put them in the bowl in front of Yun Bixue.

But Yun Bixue couldn't wait any longer. She opened her mouth and ate it obediently, squinting her eyes and enjoying it.

Xie Limo feels that he is just like feeding a child who is waiting to be fed, and strangely, he is willing to take care of her and feed her.

There are only two shrimps, which is not enough. Yun Bixue finished eating, looking at the empty plate, smashing his tongue, and looked at Xie Limo pitifully.

With such a look, Xie Limo couldn't parry at all and almost obeyed her intention.

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