Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1534: Qin family can replace Yuan family

Everyone looked up and saw an unfamiliar female reporter who had to marvel at her. This reporter was so courageous that she was not afraid of Huang Huang’s return to tear down their company.

But everyone understands that this is what they really want to ask, and this is what they care about most!

Political questions are only asked by them in order to take the form, but private questions are what they are interested in, and gossip is indispensable everywhere.

Everyone dared not show up and stared closely at Huang Wang, wondering how he would answer this question.

The audience sitting in front of the TV set also watched the TV set with breathless breath, and felt that this question was well asked. This reporter is a good one!

In particular, many ladies and ladies also think of Huang Wang very much. People like Huang Wang are so infatuated that if he is in love with him, every minute is good.

Xia Junyan Li's gentle smile converged, and took a deep look at the female reporter.

Just when everyone was in a hurry, Xia Junyanli said slowly: "This reporter, you asked a question and asked so many at once, I really don't know which one to answer, then pick one answer, for feelings I just want to say that the matter is natural, my son is still young, and I haven't considered that much for the time being."

Although I was very disappointed with this answer, everyone understood that His Highness Huang Wang had answered it right, with a sense of humor, and really could not pick out any questions.

Yun Dong smiled secretly and quickly grabbed the microphone to stand up. "How do you think about the Lu family and the Yuan family?"

She didn't care about personal matters. That's what she wanted to ask. She wanted Huang Huang to make a statement. In the future, Kang Wang would press the affairs of the two giants on the lady.

Xia Junyan Li Lie took a deep look at Yundong and replied: "The Lu family and Yuan family were punished for suspected violations of the law, smuggling of arms, and the judicial department's disposal was also reasonable. I have no objections to this. , I just hope that our families in the imperial capital can exercise strict self-discipline and safeguard the common peace in the imperial capital."

Hearing the answer, Yun Dong should have given the microphone to other reporters, but she continued to ask: "I heard that the Yuan family thought they were suspected of murdering the wealthy Qin family, not just smuggling arms, but I do not know how His Royal Highness treated Qin. Family?"

Because Yun Dong asked two questions, the following began to whisper.

"Can I ask two questions before I heard?"

"Yes, Your Highness answered, she asked with a microphone."

"That's enough?"

"Who knows!"

"But her problems are so strange."


Yun Dong ignored the whispers of the following people, she kept staring at Huang Wang, she believed that Huang Wang also recognized her.

But she didn't care. On that day, Huang Wang made her eldest lady anxious. She also made Huang Wang anxious today.

In the eyes of everyone, Xia Junyanli could only stare solemnly and solemnly, "The Qin family can enter the royal capital family, which is also a kind of compensation. Under my management, the Yuan family murdered the Qin family. I apologize, so I return to represent my personal opinion again and give the Qin family the right to replace the Yuan family."

Yun Dong smiled, she should be over the task target.

After the press conference, Yun Dong thought to go back to find Missy and ask for help!

As soon as she walked out of the press conference, she saw Xie Liu. He seemed to be waiting for himself. Yun Dong asked doubtfully, "Why are you here?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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