Xi Rong Ziye looked at Xia Mu Qingyan coldly, "It's not that I treat you so, but Xia Mu Qingyan you are doing too much."

"How can I go too far, I just love you!"

"You don't love me, you just love yourself, selfishly only consider your own feelings, I don't talk to you nonsense, that woman is arranged by you, do you say nothing?"

Looking at Xi Rongziye's disgusted gaze, Xia Muqing's eyes burst out with hatred, with a mad look, "Oh, what did you say, do you act as a substitute? Haha, know how you made that move that time. Is it because she looks too much like Bai Yaoyao! Haha, I found someone with a similar figure. When you get drunk, you will naturally admit it wrong. Haha, how do you feel sorry for your Yaoyao? Ah..."

Xia Mu Qingyan smiled frantically, she would not get it, she would not let others get it, and it would not make Xi Rong Ziye feel good.

Listening to Xia Mu Qingyan's words, Xi Rong Ziye shivered fiercely, because that night, he hated himself, and he was sorry for Bai Yaoyao both physically and mentally.

So he heard Bai Yaoyao's refusal to be indifferent, and sometimes he didn't have the courage to appear in front of her.

Although all this is related to Xia Mu Qingyan, but if he can calmly and self-sustained, this will not be the case.

Xi Rong Ziye stood in place, and his heart suddenly felt dull and hurt.

Looking at this crazy Xia Mu Qingyan, Xi Rongziye's eyes are cold, "Xia Mu Qingyan, you are a madman from beginning to end."

"You know it now, but it's a pity that it's too late, haha, your Bai Yaoyao won't come back to you, no..."

Just when Xia Mu Qingyan was crazy, Xi Rong Ziye reached out and grabbed her chin, "Say!"

Xia Muqing's coughing gasping couldn't come, she saw the killing intention in the eyes of Xi Rongziye, she didn't conceal the killing intention, she looked at it, trembling in her heart, she was still afraid of death.

"Cough...you... let go of me...I..."

Xi Rong Zi Ye loosened Xia Mu Qing Yan slightly, but her hands were still pinching her neck tightly, "If you don't say it, believe it or not, I can strangle you!"

"Don't you dare, you are the president, how can you?"

"Oh, as you said, Bai Yaoyao will not come back, and I will not feel bad. Then strangling you, I feel revenge for Yaoyao, and you are dead, committing suicide in fear of crime, no one has objections, Isn't it?"

Xia Mu Qingyan's face was completely white, "You're ruthless!"

She has always known that this man is capable and courageous, but it seems that since Bai Yaoyao left, this man has become fierce.

He does things cruelly to himself and to others, so country E's current power is firmly in his hands, even major families cannot interfere.

"You used to love me and treat me well, how can you be willing?"

"That's your woman's insidious and vicious, plastic surgery lied to me."

"But if you stick to your heart, you won't be blinded by me!"

Xia Mu Qingyan's words are true, leaving Xi Rong Ziye speechless, "Speak less, talk about the woman."

"After that night, I hid her, don't you think? Haha, she has your child!"

Xi Rongziye's face changed greatly, his expression was horrified, and the hand holding Xia Muqingyan's neck was loosened, and he staggered a step back.

"What are you talking about? How is this possible?" The temperature of Xi Rongziye's entire body seemed to have dropped by several degrees, and he had a headache and could not believe it.

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