Hearing Bai Yaoyao's depressed cough, Lin Pei quickly came in, "Sister Bai, did the wound hurt again?"

Bai Yaoyao waved: "It's okay, don't worry, cough..."

"I don't want to worry, Sister Bai, you are all like this. You don't take care of yourself. We are also anxious to see it!" Lin Pei was with Bai Yaoyao to go to the south to find the female soldier of Duan Shuai. Watching Bai Yaoyao cut off the rope and fall off the cliff, they broke their hearts.

Later I learned that Sister Bai was still alive, and those women soldiers were not excited, when she all cried.

Later, Sister Bai and the Young Master found the northern spy together, commanded the battle, and joined forces.

At that time, Sister Bai's military abilities showed her admiration for all of them.

It's just that Sister Bai is too desperate, just like that cliff, she will give the chance of life to others, instead of taking care of life and death.

So everyone loves her and respects her, and thinks she is a well-deserved female general.

Because Sister Bai always rushed to the front line, her wounds also increased, and she didn't hurt the young handsome.

They still remember that once on the battlefield, Sister Bai was shot by a bullet, just under the commander's eye. At that time, the commander broke out of skyrocketing anger, which scared them all. Everyone wiped out the enemy.

At that time, the young commander forced Sister Bai to stay on the battlefield. Sister Bai quarreled with him and ignored him for a long time.

Later, in a battle, the young commander nearly died in order to save Sister Bai. Sister Bai stayed for two days and two nights.

That was the first time she saw Sister Bai crying.

In this war, all of them witnessed the deep feelings of Sister Bai and the young master, which are the feelings of life and death.

"Lin Pei, I'm fine, even if it's a bit rainy and rainy, it's worthwhile to get the unity and peace of our country X."

"Sister Bai, do you have nothing to do for yourself?"

"For yourself?" Bai Yaoyao thought for a while and shook his head. "Actually, when a female soldier is my dream, I wanted to wear a camouflage. At that time, when I wanted to be a female soldier, I thought about it. On the battlefield, I also thought about keeping life and death aside."

"Sister Bai, you are great."

"Not great, but experienced a lot, and looked down on."

"But Sister Bai, if something happens to you, the young master will be sad."

Thinking of Duan Yanhao, Bai Yaoyao's eyes warmed, and there was a tremor in his heart, yeah, he couldn't bear him and couldn't let him go, so he fought for him and tried to protect himself.

As long as this life is not gone, it is always good.

"No, now the war is about to end soon. Every one of us is good, and that's fine."

"Sister Bai, you are the person I admire the most."

Bai Yaoyao shook Lin Pei's hand, "When you have love in your heart, you will understand that it is a motivator for you, and I am actually very ordinary."

She thought that the reason why her potential was so great was because Duan Yanhao had it in her heart!

"Sister Bai, please tell me, why are you so powerful, were you also a military family before?"

Bai Yaoyao froze, thinking of her now-lost home. She remembered that when she was a child, her father said that her ancestors used to be a general’s house. The study room is full of military strategy.

"My home is very ordinary, just reading some books."

Just as the two were talking, the sound of the car came from outside, and Lin Pei was happy: "Sister Bai, the young master must be back, I will retreat first."

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