Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1542: Marriage is a matter of two families

When Bai Yaoyao heard it, the waves of the heart waved away, her eyes widened, "So fast?"

Duan Yanhao held Bai Yaoyao's hands and locked her eyes deeply, "Yaoyao, you... are you not willing?"

Duan Yanhao's tone was uncertain, and his voice was a little trembling.

Once he had nothing to fear, but at this moment, he was afraid of hearing her voice of rejection, and even more worried that she still thought of Xi Rongziye in her heart.

Everyone says that love is the cause of anxiety and love is anxiety. This sentence is not bad at all.

Because she cares deeply, she will be nervous and care about any emotional changes of the other party.

Bai Yaoyao can naturally see Duan Yanhao's nervousness, "I'm not unwilling, just too sudden, I'm not prepared at all."

"You don't need to prepare, I'm ready for everything, I won't make you wrong, Yao Yao." Duan Yanhao's eyes are pious and serious.

"I know, just, just..." Bai Yaoyao now feels very confused. Before that, he had been busy fighting, trying to help Duan Yanhao solve all his enemies.

Now that she suddenly turned to this topic, she really didn't even think about it.

It can also be said that there is a trace of fragility and humility in her bones. She feels that she has no parents and is an orphan. Although she is a female general now, can she compare with his family?

Can people in his family accept her?

These will become her troubles. She doesn't know whether she is suitable for survival in the big family or not.

Duan Yanhao saw the fragility in Bai Yaoyao's eyes, held her hand firmly, and held it tightly, just like holding her tightly, and did not want her to escape.

"Yaoyao, you said that I healed you, but you also saved me. Without you, I would only keep my past life."

"Yaoyao, you just said to believe me."

Bai Yaoyao has a blank in her mind and some confusion in her heart. She doesn't know what to do next, "Yan Hao, give me some time."

Duan Yanhao didn't want Bai Yaoyao to back down any more, he now could not wait to marry her home and tie him in his arms, so that he could feel safe, because he was afraid that she would leave like a wind at any time.

Duan Yanhao's body is Bai Yaoyao's body, saying: "Yaoyao, you look at my eyes."

Bai Yaoyao listened to Duan Yanhao with a bewitching and serious voice, and looked up at him involuntarily. His eyes were as mysterious as the deep ocean, and it seemed to roll her mind.

"Yaoyao, answer me, do you love me?"

Bai Yaoyao nodded, "Naturally is love." If she could not be sure before, then during the war, between life and death, she determined this feeling. If it is not love, why would she be willing to live and die with him.

"Do you believe me?"


"If that's the case, why should we consider it?"

Duan Yanhao didn't give Bai Yaoyao a chance to flinch at all, and his eyes kept locking her tightly.

"Yan Hao, I..."

"Yaoyao, tell me the reason, tell me what are you thinking?"

Bai Yaoyao can only say: "Yan Hao, love is a matter of two people, but marriage is a matter of two families, your Duan family, I... I don't know if your family will accept me."

Hearing this, Duan Yanhao realized it, knowing what she was thinking, "My grandpa and Liugu like you very much. Except these two, the rest of you, you don't have to take care of it, just do whatever you want. "

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