Yun Bixue couldn't be more excited, his eyes showed the color of joy, the light was bright, and the glass was intoxicating.

Xie Limo glanced at the excited Yun Bixue, and felt that his wife's mood on weekdays was mostly gentle and calm, and there were few times of such fluctuations.

Looking at the information in the newspaper, he actually knew it already.

And Duan Yanhao fixed the marriage period, also called him and sent an invitation, but he hadn’t told Yun Bixue that he didn’t want her emotions to fluctuate greatly, which was bad for her health.

The doctor confessed that he should be calm and easy to support his body.

"Bai Yaoyao is proposed, are you so excited?" Xie Limo actually doesn't understand the woman's mind. Sometimes he really doesn't understand it. Although he tries to understand it, he will still find that the woman's heart is really like a needle in the sea.

"Of course, girlfriends, good sisters are proposed, I am naturally happy, if your good buddy proposes, are you not happy?"

Xie Limo said calmly: "Axue, I think this proposal is not a proposal, it's someone else's marriage, we just send the blessings, as for being excited, it's the party's business."

Yun Bixue took a deep look at Xie Limo and said, "Aren't you so cold?"

With that said, Yun Bixue carefully looked at her family, Mr. Xie, and always felt that his family's expression was a little awkward, and it was very abnormal.

Where is the problem?

Xie Limo withdrew his gaze from the computer, placed it on Yun Bixue, then got up and pulled her over, letting her sit beside him.

"Don't worry about other people's affairs. When your girlfriends get married, we will naturally go, but it's not safe for you to raise your body or make an airplane." He didn't want Yun Bixue to participate, after all. It’s too big to be really bad for pregnant women.

But then I thought about it. If she was not allowed to participate, she would definitely not be happy, so he decided to take her with him. It was a big deal to arrange a medical team on the plane.

Yun Bixue also sat down quickly and nodded, "I really want to keep my body in shape, but I'm really happy for Yaoyao. Look, this scene of marriage proposal is so enviable. The blessings of hundreds of thousands of soldiers are really different. , It's still live broadcast, Yaoyao finally came to the end...Look at these roses, there are so many, I don't know how much they are used, and these thunder flowers, the light layout also put a lot of effort, really dream... …"

Yun Bixue talked endlessly, especially admiring the marriage proposal scene, he was really happy for Bai Yaoyao.

Bai Yaoyao finally found her benefactor Duan Yanhao.

Listening to Xie Limo's ears, of course, was another taste, as if Yun Bixue envied this proposal scene, so he listened and listened, and his face was black.

Naturally, the surrounding gas field also became cold, with low air pressure.

Yun Bixue's expression was warm and soft, and after a while, he felt wrong. It seemed that the air around him was not right. Looking at Xie Limo's face, he seemed very unhappy.

"Li Mo, what's wrong with you? Have you been tired recently, or should I rub your brain for you?" Yun Bixue was really worried about Xie Limo, afraid he would be tired.

Xie Limo took a deep breath, a brilliant light flashed in his gorgeous eyes, and it was really a three-year pregnancy. He agreed with this sentence.

Seeing Yun Bixue get up and rubbing his head for him, Xie Limo gently pressed her and said: "I'm fine, you sit down well, don't toss."

"Then why is your face so bad?"

Xie Limo smiled dumbly and rubbed her head without answering her words. Instead, she asked, "Do you like this marriage proposal?"

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