Jiang Shantao didn't remember what his father said when he came, but he just looked at the beauty.

Although Yun Bixue is now a pregnant woman, she wears a wide dress, and because she is sitting, her face is particularly delicate and beautiful.

The beauty of her body is different from the present woman, but exudes a warm luster, like the moonlight, burning and moving.

Xie Limo saw Jiang Shantao look like this, a anger burst into his heart instantly.

Just when Xie Limo wanted to move, Yun Bixue took his hand and did not let him move.

She wanted to solve it by herself. She smiled lightly, "Master Jiang, do you think I look good?"

Jiang Shantao was attracted by Yun Bixue's eye movements, who could hardly move his eyes. The reflex replied: "Beauty."

Father Jiang reacted, looked back at his son's look, slapped it up, "Go to the side of the shameful thing."

"Dad, why are you doing this to me, my sister is dead, and I'm your heir. Besides, what's wrong with me? I'm going to take those beauties home before, did you agree?"

"Slap!" Another slap, Mr. Jiang couldn't be angry, slapped Jiang Shantao again, "Fuck things, get out of me, even without you, and your cousin."

"Dad, I'm your own son. You can't turn your elbows out..."

Just when Jiang Shantao didn't know what to do, Mr. Jiang would have to continue to slap.

Yun Bixue coughed and said: "Senior Jiang, you are also a lot of age, so the slap is not good for your health, and it will also hit your hands. The role of force is mutual. I will let you help you ."

Yun Bixue said, winking at the Dark Guard next to him, Dark Guard understood that he stretched out his hands and greeted Jiang Shantao's face.

With ten percent of his strength, he beat him constantly, beating Jiang Shantao, and fell to the ground. His face was like a bun, and his mouth could not be opened.

Looking at the few teeth that fell on the ground, Yun Bixue exposed his teeth and smiled, but let Jiang Jiang see the creeps.

Poor Mr. Jiang is a lot of age, and looking at such a picture, he almost couldn't bear to faint.

Drinking tea, Yun Bixue said lightly: "Oh, if I were to look at Mr. Jiang's face, I would make people dig my eyes!"

Father Jiang had a chill, and he was still distressed about his son. At this time, how dare he feel distressed, let alone say nothing, and he must be grateful to Dade: "Mrs. Xie Shao said yes!"

"Oh, by the way, what's the matter with Mr. Jiang coming to us? I am now the owner, so what do you say to me?"

Mr. Jiang's face is already ironless, not embarrassing. I wanted to find Xie Shao and say a few words, but at this time I had to tell Yun Bixue.

This Yun Bixue hates their Jiang family!

He used to want to make an appointment with Xie Shao alone, but he has never been able to make an appointment. Xie Shao has always been with his wife at home.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue who wanted to play, and a soft and spoiled light flashed in his eyes. As long as she was happy, he was willing to indulge her.

She happened to be bored every day, and the Jiang family played her bored.

If Master Jiang knew Xie Shao's thoughts now, he wouldn't be able to choke on his breath.

Looking at Xie Shao's warm eyes, Mr. Jiang can only say with a thick face: "Please, Mrs. Xie Shao help, save Jiang's family."

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