Speaking of Bai Yaoyao, Yun Bixue was in a good mood, "I will call her immediately."

Xie Limo secretly gestured to the servants to let them clean up the living room, and then he helped Yun Bixue upstairs.

Looking at Yun Bixue's growing belly, Xie Limo had a shocking feeling, for fear that she would not walk steadily.

And every day he walked with her, but her feet were also swollen when he walked, he bathed her every night, bathed her feet with medicine, and then massaged her at night, just to let her sleep Better.

Xie Limo helped Yun Bixue sit down in the bedroom, then picked up her phone and gave her, "Have a good chat with girlfriends."

Yun Bixue blinked at Xie Limo, then dialed the phone number.

After walking out of the bedroom, Xie Limo could still hear Yun Bixue's laughter. He shook his head and she was happy.

Next, he had to deal with the Jiang family's affairs, and the evidence had already been collected. Since Huang Wang came out of the mountain, he found an opportunity for people to present the evidence to Huang Wang. I believe he knew what he would do.

Yun Bixue and Bai Yaoyao made a call, and the two of them chatted happily.

This time, Bai Yaoyao opened his heart, and he was also cheerful in his speech, unlike the previous silence.

"Yaoyao, I'm really happy for you."

"I know, don't worry about me, I'm fine now, you have to take care of yourself and your baby."

"Relax, a person as big as me, naturally know that I have watched the news, the proposal scene is really grand, and it is romantic at night, how romantic, so many soldiers witness, it can be seen that Duan Yanhao is very kind to you, very Attentively, I still listened to the inaugural speech for the first time in the evening..."

Listening to the words of Yunbi Xuebarabala, Bai Yaoyao's heart was warm and sweet, her lips were smiling, her brows were cheerful.

On that day, Duan Yanhao really gave her a big surprise, she felt like she was dreaming for several days.

"Bixue, to be honest, I didn't expect such a day. The thank you was actually Bilu, the Duan Yanhao she introduced to me. Now think about it, I even had the heart to die at that time, I couldn't find it. The direction, so confused, fortunately all came over." Bai Yaoyao said with emotion in his heart.

If you don’t go forward, you won’t know how good you will meet, so she also understands the truth that no matter what you encounter in life, you must go forward and move forward hard, always Life will be a surprise, life will be a surprise.

Listening to Bai Yaoyao talking about her past, Yun Bixue felt sore in her heart and wanted to cry.

"Yaoyao, why don't you say it, I don't know what you used to..."

"Bi Xue, you must not cry. It's all past things. After so many experiences, I realized that I should cherish it more. You should be happy for me. Don't cry. Take care of your baby. You are all mothers, emotions. To control, don't cry without moving." In fact, despite this, Bai Yaoyao was ashamed, and she was able to cry on weekdays, which also persuaded others to come.

"Okay, I won't cry, control my emotions, and be happy for you. Now, I will be relieved. You have to belong, but if he dares to bully you, tell me."

Bai Yaoyao chuckled and joked: "Can you still help me teach him?"

"I can't teach you anything. Can Xie Limo teach him? Isn't Bilu still having a boyfriend, Huang Yize? The two can always learn."

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