When Xi Rong Ziye got on the bus, he couldn't help but look back at the White House. He wondered if he would come here again.

But he thought that this will be the place where he misses, and he will be buried deep in his memory.

Looking at it, Xi Rongziye trance thought she saw Bai Yaoyao, she stood outside the door to greet him, smiling.

Xi Rong Ziye ran over excitedly, trying to hug Bai Yaoyao, but at first glance, there was nothing, it turned out to be an illusion.

The intensity of the loss and pain in his heart made Xi Rong Ziye's stomach start to ache again.

Liu Zhong couldn't bear to look at it, and he could only sigh and cheat people.

Now that White Girl has a new life, he only hopes that the president will come out and have a new life.

Whether or not there is love, the president will be responsible for his son. In fact, he secretly hopes that Ms. Mei can enter the president’s eyes and live a good life with the president.


On this day, Bai Yaoyao got up in the morning, and when she finished washing, she heard a noise outside. She asked the servant in doubt, "What's going on outside?"

The servant quietly said to Bai Yaoyao: "Girl Bai, there is a man outside looking for our six young ladies. I have not left since I was here in the morning."

Bai Yaoyao has not yet had a wedding with Duan Yanhao. Bai Yaoyao let everyone call her White Girl, so this name is temporarily White Girl.

Bai Yaoyao knew that the maid said that Miss Liu was Liu Gu, she frowned, "Liu Gu did not come out?"

"Miss Six said, no matter what, just drive people away."

Bai Yaoyao thought for a while and guessed who this person was, probably it was the elegant man he met in the mall that day, what seemed to be called Gao Jifeng.

"I'll go out and see."

"Miss White, it's going to rain outside, so don't go out."

"It's okay, it's still cloudy, it's estimated that it will rain for a while."

With that, Bai Yaoyao stepped out.

I saw a man and a girl standing at the door, the two people I met in the mall that day.

The man named Gao Jifeng was still explaining to the guard: "I really came to Xiaoya, even if she doesn't see me, I will wait here and wait for her to come out."

"Are you the first lady of the sixth lady to see you? You don't have to stop our door and affect the traffic here. The name of our sixth lady is not what you can call."

"Oh, that's my little aunt. What happened to my uncle when I saw the little aunt? You don't understand the feelings of my uncle and aunt. Don't talk nonsense..." The little girl also said anxiously, explaining.

"I really want to see Xiaoya. I have been looking for these years and finally found her. I won't leave!"


Bai Yaoyao watched for a while, listened for a while, then walked over and interjected: "You didn't know the identity of Liugu before?"

Gao Ji Feng froze for a while and saw that it was the girl that day, shook his head, and said with some sorrow and sadness: "I don't know."

Bai Yaoyao said lightly: "But you know now, you only found it because you know her identity? For ambition, for the powerful?"

Gao Jifeng's face changed dramatically, shaking his head again and again, "No, really not. Believe me, when I loved her, I didn't know all this. I have been looking for these years and never changed my heart."

"Yeah, you woman don't talk nonsense. My uncle has suffered a lot, just to find the young aunt. If he can't find the young aunt, my uncle will probably not survive."

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