Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1575: Qualification certificate is done

Yun Bixue felt that even if she didn't show her credentials, she could find out that she was qualified and started it on the internal system of the national military industry, and no one said anything.

Thinking of this, Yun Bixue's mouth raised.

Xie Limo looked at her eyebrows and said warmly: "So happy?"

"Well, I knew you had a way to get the qualification certificate for running a military factory, and I was very happy."

"But I won't let you intervene now, do you blame me?"

Yun Bixue shook his head, "What's so strange, I don't blame you, you are also good for me."

"Well, Axue, you just have to remember that I love you at all times. I won't hurt you even if I hurt myself." When saying this, Xie Limo was very serious and solemn, staring closely Looking at Yun Bixue's eyes, the dark waves there seemed to be swept in.

Yun Bixue gently grabbed Xie Limo's hand, "I know."

"Well, just know it, and keep it in your heart."

Yun Bixue played Xie Limo's finger boringly, "I naturally remember it in my heart. If you don't believe it, you can see it in my heart."

"Good!" Xie Limo really wanted to reach out.

"That, I'm joking, joking..." Then, Yun Bixue hurriedly pushed away Xie Limo's hand.

Her body may be sensitive now because of pregnancy. If Xie Limo catches it like this, she won't be able to stand it.

Xie Limo scraped Yun Bixue's nose, "Obviously obedient recently."

"it is good."

In this way, the husband and wife lived a sweet and warm day together, prenatal education, reading and talking together, but plain but full.

The Jiang family has never been quite peaceful.

Last time, when Jiang Jiangtao and Jiang Shantao went back, they were reported by reporters. How did Jiang Jiangxiao and Jiang Jiang ask for help?

There are even pictures of dogs eating shit.

Therefore, many people in the Jiang family are dissatisfied with Jiang and Tao, and some people even blame him. If they don’t have Jiang, who is stupid, Jiang Jingshan, the Jiang family will not be like this.

Even if Grandpa Jiang is now the head of the house, someone has blatantly ignored him.

Grandpa Jiang was so angry that he wanted to let Dark Guard directly make these people.

In the past, the giants could arbitrarily mobilize the secret guards of the dead to do what they did, but recently His Royal Highness came out of the mountains, and he is preparing to catch people!

If the Jiang family used the Dark Guard at this time, wouldn't this be waiting for the braid to be caught by the Yellow King?

Therefore, Mr. Jiang was rejuvenated, and he was also prepared to stay inactive for a while. Moreover, most of the secret guards in his family had already been killed and wounded, and few were left.

The dead and wounded were killed by Xie Shao's people before, mainly because Jiang Jingshan grabbed Su Lenghan's daughter Yang Yang, tempted Yun Bixue to go, and wanted to kill Yun Bixue, but in the end, all of them were annihilated.

So since that time, the Jiang family has been seriously hurt.

Father Jiang had not suffered the humiliation of that day, and he saw Xie Shao's attitude again. He knew that Xie Shao would not manage the Jiang family anymore, and would kill the Jiang family, so he decided to find another way.

His grandfather Jiang was not a good person, so what he was going to do this time was also very sinister.

He secretly started to attract other giants in the imperial capital, and then bought a lot of people, spreading rumors that were harmful to Xie Shao and Yun Bixue, and even attributed the things of the Lu and Yuan families to Yun Bixue.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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