Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo, his eyes soft and gentle, as if he could calm down all the impetuousness of the heart.

She smiled gently: "Because I have you, I am not greedy."

Xie Limo bowed her head and kissed her cheek, then placed her hand on Yun Bixue's stomach and felt the child's movements.

He has the best baby, which is the best gift from heaven.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's shiny luster and moved her eyebrows, and couldn't help saying: "Axue, you are beautiful."

Yun Bixue's face was slightly red, and he bowed his head to hide the unnaturalness. "Everyone says that they will become ugly when they are pregnant, but I will become beautiful and illogical here."

"Axue was beautiful in the first place, now it looks better."

"Straight talk, you wouldn't say that before."

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's expression, and felt more and more talking to her, and life was fulfilling. "Axue, I used to know it in my heart, but I want to say it now and tell you that this is not a rhetoric."

"If you let others know, let's not say we deliberately show affection!"

"No one else knows, we can be in harmony with ourselves."

For Xie Limo, as long as these rumors of the imperial capital are not known by Yun Bixue, as long as she is not affected, it is fine.

Early the next morning, Xie Limo got up and printed a kiss on Yun Bixue's forehead and gently said: "Happy birthday, my wife, Axue."

He gently got out of bed, did not wake up Yun Bixue, let people guard Yun Bixue well, he went out personally.

He intends to make cakes at noon and longevity noodles at night, but there is no food for the cakes at home. He does not plan to send people. He wants everything to be done by himself.

There are cake shops and supermarkets in the surroundings, and Xie Limo walked back with a few things.

Just entering the yard, I heard several servants muttering among the flowers.

"I really did not expect that Mrs. Young is such a person."

"That is, with so many men, it is no wonder that water-based poplars are."

"You didn't see, she was so coquettish at home, it was Xie Shao coaxing to take care of who she thought she was, and Xie Shao wanted to take care of it like this."

"That's right, the reputation is so bad, and she is still a young lady, and she doesn't know what Xie Shao thought."

"Is it so good to her because she is pregnant?"

"I don't know, the rumors outside didn't know if Xie Shao heard it or not. The young lady's hypocritical all day resembled something."

"Have you never heard a word? A **** is hypocritical, wouldn't she be pregnant with a child? You still need to walk to support it, it makes you uncomfortable to watch..."


Xie Limo listened to the words of several servants, his face getting darker and darker, and a murderous intention permeated his whole body.

"I think you are too busy."

In a word, the few servants were frightened.

"Xie Shao?"

"Do you still remember that I was Xie Shao, and I still remember that I was Xie's servant?"

Xie Limo's voice was very cold and cold, especially with a cold expression in his eyes.

This violent killing intention caused several servants to knelt down quickly and began to beg for mercy, "Xie Shao, we are not intentional, Xie Shao..."

"Xie Shao, I'm sorry, we didn't mean to say it."

"Xie Shao, forgive us, us, it is our fault, we should not arrange the young lady."

Even if Xie Limo said nothing, but just stood still, let these people understand that they had made a big mistake, and it would be difficult for Xie Shao to spare their lives.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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