Xie Limo walked over and patted Duan Yanhao's shoulder. The friendship of men is like this. It's not practical to talk much, you can understand each other with one look and one action.

Duan Yanhao was a little touched, and Xie Limo understood what he thought in his heart.

In fact, his friendship with Xie Limo was also deepened because of Bai Yaoyao, so his grandfather was right, knowing Bai Yaoyao, he brought him too many surprises.

At night, Xie Limo finally got his wife to sleep with his wish.

Although Yun Bixue is now full-bellied and hugged, Xie Limo still likes to listen to her shallow breathing and watch her sleeping face.

Otherwise, he won't sleep peacefully all night.

The front is not easy to hold, Xie Limo generally holds Yun Bixue from behind, smelling the fragrance of her hair.

"Can't you fall asleep? Are you tired? I'll massage you." Xie Limo's massage technique or after she was pregnant, he specifically consulted the master.

Yun Bixueping lay down and looked at Xie Limo, who was sitting up, with a smile on his face, but his gaze had a hint of anger.

Xie Limo pressed her some puffy legs and said, "Why don't you talk and look at me like this?"

Yun Bixue extended his finger and poked Xie Limo's arm, "Don't tell me, things tonight have nothing to do with you."

As soon as Xie Limo massaged, he continued to press down appropriately, and Qingrun said: "Axue, what are you talking about tonight? What is going on tonight?"

"Li Mo, do you pretend not to know?"

Looking at Yun Bixue's lips and staring at him, he felt very petite and cute, and said: "Bai Yaoyao hasn't said that, any thoughts in his heart should be said, don't misunderstand, and don't hide each other?"

Yun Bixue didn't expect that Xie Limo would block her. When she thought about Duan Xinya and Gao Jifeng, her heart softened, and Nuo Nuo said: "Tonight I was going to talk to Bai Yaoyao and sleep. , It must have been your fault, she later decided not to sleep with me."

Xie Limo didn't take it for granted, her gorgeous eyebrows moved, locking Yun Bixue's eyes, and said calmly: "Do you think it's right to leave your husband?"


Yun Bixue was blocked again by Xie Limo's words. It seemed that it was indeed wrong. He accompanied her to the girlfriend's wedding. She patronized the girlfriend and left him, which seemed to make him uncomfortable.

If she thinks empathically, she will also feel lonely in a strange place, and if she is left behind by Xie Limo and talks to her brother, she will be very lost and her mood will be very low.

In such a transposition, Yun Bixue deeply realized that she was wrong, and she immediately reflected: "Tonight, I haven't thought about it. Don't be angry."

"Well, didn't you come back in the end? I'm not angry, do my legs hurt?"

Xie Limo's words shifted Yun Bixue's attention. In fact, Duan Yanhao's mind was pretty good. Xie Limo was a black-bellied master. It was still easy to wrap Yun Bixue in one or two sentences. .

"Your massage technique is very good, not sore, and you are tired, don't be so hard, lie down and let's talk!"

Xie Limo went to wash his hands, then came back to lie down and looked at Yun Bixue, said: "What do you want to say? I listen."

"Li Mo, I just sigh with emotion. You will be with me every day. Wouldn't it bother you for such a long time?"

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