Yun Bilu watched Qian Ye Ziyu's car slowly driving away, frowning and thinking.

To be honest, she really can't understand Qian Ye Ziyu's mind, the only thing she can do is to exclude him from him.

And Huang Yize also said, let her try not to contact this person, she always remembered it!

Besides, her pretty short hair can always remind her of what happened in Ice Valley.

Soon, the bus came and Yun Bilu sat up.

She is still thinking about the acquired international martial arts conference, held in country M, which is still a feudal monarchy country, and the throne is handed down from generation to generation.

The country where such a system still exists is also unique in the world, but country M is very rich and developed, the country has a sound system, and various benefits are also very good. .

Perhaps a little tired, Yun Bilu was thinking about it, just leaning against the window, a little sleepy.

During this time, she was too desperate, the rest time was short, and after the training, she could finally rest for a day, and then she relaxed.

This relaxation is really sleepy.

When the bus reported the name of the next stop, Yun Bilu quickly woke up.

"The saliva is down."

Yun Bilu wiped away with conditioned reflex, but wiped off, nothing, then she recovered and looked down at the sound.

Yun Bilu opened her mouth wide and pointed with her fingers. She couldn't make a sound. She didn't know if it was an illusion.

Huang Yize said helplessly and amusingly: "Silly girl, get off."

Seeing Yun Bilu still in shock, Huang Yize took her hand and pulled her off the car.

When the wind blew, Yun Bilu's face was cold, and he reacted. He hugged Huang Yize, "Ah, Huang Yize, really you? You're back, you come back to see me, it's nice."

Yun Bilu shouted and jumped excitedly, at the bus stop sign, so no one hugged Huang Yize.

Several people around looked at them strangely, and Huang Yize patted Yun Bilu helplessly, "Okay, if you have anything to say, go home and talk."

Yun Bilu froze, "Go home? Don't go back to school?"

"Back to school, can you rest quietly?"

Yun Bilu also thought that in the dormitory, it was always a collective dormitory. Time was not free. When the dormitory woke up, she would also wake up and could not sleep until she woke up naturally.

With that, Huang Yize let go of Yun Bilu, the car key in his hand moved, the car not far away flashed, and the door opened naturally.

Yun Bilu said in surprise: "You put the car here? No, how did you get on the bus?"

Huang Yize rubbed his eyebrows, "Go, just trapped like that, now you are in spirit?"

"Ao'ao." Yunbi Ludian followed Huang Yize and got into the car.

Huang Yize drove back to the villa.

"Here, he sweated a lot, took a shower, took a good rest, went to country M tomorrow afternoon, took a rest one night, the day after tomorrow."

Listening to Huang Yize's arrangement, Yun Bilu looked at his eyes and said, "So you know, you have arranged it for me."

"Well, I never worry about your business, so it's no surprise to know."

Yun Bilu is very sweet in her heart, and her Huang Yize is the best. Don't look at the cold days, but she is sincerely good to her and patiently indulges her.

My sister also said that he can tolerate his temperament.

Yun Bilu thought for a while and asked carefully: "Will you go back tomorrow?"

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