When Yun Bilu heard Huang Yize's shouts, she wished she could hold her head and dig into the hole, let her say something, that she didn't take the towel or change the clothes?

She couldn't say it!

Although she was quite carefree on weekdays, she was still thin-skinned, and she was even less likely to go out naked.

The more I thought, Yun Bilu's face was redder.

Hearing Yun Bilu's voice, Huang Yize was anxious, and the worried expression in his eyes became stronger.

He set the remote control aside, and suddenly got up, he went to the bathroom and walked sideways: "Bilu, Bilu? What happened?"

Listening to the footsteps, it seemed that Huang Yize was coming, and Yun Bilu quickly stuttered loudly: "Huang Yize, I'm fine, it's fine."

Huang Yize let out a sigh of relief after hearing Yun Bilu's voice. In his eyes, the girl couldn't help it. I was really afraid that she would have any problems in the bathroom.

"Why are you still inside for so long?"

"That, that..." Yun Bilu really didn't know what to say, did I say that I didn't bring a towel and change clothes, you go get it for me?

Then she opened the door, slick...

It looks as if he actually helped her get underwear once...

Yun Bilu only felt that Tianlei was rolling, ah, she started to scratch her hair hard.

Huang Yize looked cold outside the bathroom, but also heard her footsteps turning around inside.

After thinking for a while, Huang Yize's eyes waved, and he smiled dumbly. "Did you forget to take the towel and change the clothes?"

She didn't speak, he couldn't keep talking, the girl had been in the bathroom for a long time, and he was worried about her catching a cold.

"Ah, how do you know?"

Hearing this sentence, Huang Yize confirmed the guess in his heart, "You are waiting inside, I will get it for you."

Yun Bilu blushed when he heard Huang Yize's words. Like Red Apple, she didn't know how to answer.

"Well, do you know where my clothes are?... that, and... and underwear." Yun Bilu finally gritted her teeth to say this, and when she said it, her face was no longer red, and it was almost bloodshot. Too.

Huang Yize whispered: "Wait for me." He didn't directly answer Yun Bilu's question, but asked her to wait for the meeting. Obviously, she told her that he knew it.

Yun Bilu could hear the smile in Huang Yize's words, knowing that he must be laughing at her.

She could only stomp her feet hard, embarrassed herself.

After Huang Yize brought Yun Bilu to him, he knocked on the door and said: "I put it on the stool beside the door. You reach for it yourself. I go to the study on the second floor and there is something else. You come out early. , Blow dry your hair."

"Oh." Yun Bilu was relieved to hear him say this.

After Huang Yize walked up the stairs to the second floor, Yun Bilu listened to the footsteps far away, and then opened the door, quickly took the clothes and towels on the stool into it.

After taking it in, Yun Bilu didn't know what it was like in her heart, and she always felt a warmth.

Huang Yize knew her well, and whenever she was embarrassed and embarrassed, he always gave her some comfort.

She knew that the stool beside the bathroom had just been taken by him.

And he went to the study on the second floor to make himself feel free.

Yun Bilu bit her lower lip and told herself that Huang Yize was really particularly good.

Wipe off the water drops on your body. When you are wearing clothes, you look at the underwear and panties, thinking that you just took it from Huang Yize, and your face is not disappointed.

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