This time, Yun Bilu used a soft move to soften the toughness. Although Li Qiuxiang also used the Taiji method, Yun Bilu was more changeable and more proficient than her.

When the two were used to her moves, Yun Bilu's style of painting suddenly changed and became so violent that she hardly gave the two people time to think. Both fists and legs attacked at the same time, leaping forward, leaping out and connecting Cleave, fists are also powerful.

There is no doubt that it took 20 minutes to knock the two down.

When Yun Bilu rested, Huang Yize touched her head and praised, "Performed very well."

Yun Bilu hugged him and almost cried out, "Woo, you can boast me."

"Okay, the finals are coming in the afternoon, eh?"

"Then I have to be first. Will you agree to take me back to the Black Dragon Party?"

Yun Bilu blinked his clear eyes to Huang Yize.

Huang Yize looked at these clear and clear eyes, and there was hope and trust, and even the light of dependence.

He remembered that when he saw her for the first time, it was this clear and bright look that moved his heart slightly.

Yun Bilu looked at Huang Yize and did not speak, pouting unhappy.

Huang Yize said with a deep voice: "You have won the first place, and I will take you back in the future, but not now. When you are in your senior year, because there are few courses in senior year, you will not delay learning."

Yun Bilu got the answer, and she jumped up excitedly. She knew that Huang Yize was speaking just like last year.

He said that he would come back the year before, she had been waiting, he really came back, and went home with her for the New Year.

He said he would tell her his identity, and he did.

Therefore, Yun Bi was extremely trusting in Huang Yize, and knew what he said.

She blinked excitedly, counting that she could follow him back to the Black Dragon in a few months.

Because of the motivation, she was full of power.

In the finals of the top ten in the afternoon, Yun Bilu passed through five stages and cut six generals into a top three.

But everyone was surprised.

"I really can't see it, you can't look like it!"

"Such a little girl, dark horse!"

"You say she has practiced martial arts for at least ten years? The chassis is very stable and her basic skills are solid."

"I think the most powerful thing is her move. It seems that there are no flaws. You can't see any routine at all."

"Yes, and, did you find a problem? That's what she used to do with different people. It was different, as if she had gathered all the martial arts directors."



In the final three finals, to compete for the first championship, second runner-up, third runner-up.

The three-person final is a three-person match.

This time Yunbilu made great efforts.

She was knocked to the ground twice, still standing with her arms strong, clenching her teeth, and wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, saying, "Come again."

Just like not being defeated, the whole body has the power of resurrection full of blood, his eyes are red, and the sound of "ah" is attacking the two.

The frequency of moves is changing faster and faster, but Bai Guangjian and Mo Wenshan are surprised.

Both of them are experienced people in the competition field. I have never seen such a deadly, so powerful girl who can fight!

Over time, both of them struggled.

Huang Yize's heart tingled when he saw Yunbi's mouth bleeding and was knocked down.

This kind of feeling is very strange, but it occupied all his forehead emotions, making him frown, his hands clenched into fists, and he seemed to endure something.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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