Duan Xinya followed with a pain in her heart. She was not many years older than her nephew, but she did look at him when he grew up. This child has always been strong and tough.

It was the first time she saw him like this, and the people who watched felt sour.

He seemed to be abandoned by the world.

"Yan Hao, Yao Yao will be all right, don't be sad." Duan Xinya sighed and patted Duan Yan Hao's back gently.

Duan Yanhao shook his body, but still maintained that posture.

"Yan Hao, believe Liugu, you and Yaoyao have gone through so much together, and this time it will be fine."

After talking, Duan Yanhao still didn't respond, Duan Xinya went to pull his hand, but with this pull, she felt a wet hand, her mind suddenly shocked, did Yan Hao he... he cried?

Duan Xinya was a little unbelievable, stunned and did not know how to react.

Her nephew knew that she would never cry, so she didn't believe it.

Her lips were trembling, and she didn't know how to comfort her. She pulled Duan Yanhao's hand down. "Yan Hao, you are the Duan's man. You can't do this. You believe Liugu, it's okay, it will be okay, just dizzy. In the past, when Liugu was sad before, after fainting, she would wake up in a while, Yaoyao will be fine, ah... listen to Liugu...''

Duan Xinya tried to suppress her emotions and calmly comforted Duan Yanhao.

Duan Yanhao seems to have listened to his six aunts, and he slowly looked up.

When Duan Xinya looked at Duan Yanhao's red eyes and tearful eyes, she suddenly shuddered, followed by a sour heart, and touched her nephew's head, "Yan Hao, you said, how can you just..." said At the same time, Duan Xinya couldn't help her eyes turning red and wanted to cry.

Her nephew lost her parents when she was a child. At that time, he was still young, and he hid alone in the corner with a toy, crying.

Today, he...

Duan Xinya keeps asking in her heart, must not let Yan Hao suffer any more.

Yaoyao is the daughter-in-law of her Duan family. No matter what, she will leave Yaoyao alright.

After pulling Duan Yanhao up, Duan Xinya wiped his tears away with his hands and said, "You see how old you are, and crying, Yao Yao will wake up and laugh at you."

Duan Yanhao's lips moved, and for a while he said: "Liu Gu, I'm afraid!"

Duan Xinya shook her hand, because of this sentence, she also cried, she knew she should not cry, but she looked at her nephew like this, can't help it, really can't help it, the heart is too painful and sour .

Yan Hao has always been strong and always excellent. It is the pride of her Duan family. No matter what he encounters, he never said a word of fear.

She thought, she understood, in order to help the Northern Army and Yan Hao, Yaoyao was born and died many times, equivalent to taking back a life.

Yan Hao was afraid, she understood.

"Yan Hao, don't be afraid, just fainted."

"Liugu, she fell to the ground with one head and hurt her head."

Duan Xinya's face was white, she knew that if the back of the head was on the ground, it would be very serious. She only hoped that everything would be easier without hurting her head.

Duan Yanhao looked closely at Duan Xinya's eyes and said hardly: "Liu Gu, you tell me, it will be all right, right?"

Duan Xinya bit her lower lip and nodded vigorously, "Well, Yaoyao is a good girl, she will be fine."

Duan Yanhao didn't speak anymore, his eyes kept staring at the door of the emergency room, without blinking, he didn't seem to want to miss any moment.

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