However, in Duan Xinya's words, Duan Yanhao and Bai Yaoyao's wedding may have been postponed for some time. In the current situation, Bai Yaoyao is still in hospital. I don't know which day to wake up. I still have to wait for the two to wake up and set a time. .

This was also her decision after discussing with Duan Yanhao, and Mr. Duan agreed.

As for the incident on the Internet, Duan Xinya only said that Duan Yanhao had arranged a solution so that his family would not have to worry about it.

Duan Xinya did not say any specific measures or measures, for fear that the old man Duan could not accept Duan Yanhao's **** way.

Mr. Duan said in contemplation: "But if it is postponed, it will still be announced tomorrow. If we release it now, it will make people speculate about our Duan's attitude."

Duan Xinya thought of it too, and would make people think that the Duan family despised Bai Yaoyao!

Anyway, they are looking for Bai Yaoyao as his wife, no matter how big the trouble is, they will not change anything.

Early the next morning, when Yun Bixue woke up, he recovered and protected his stomach.

Xie Limo woke up in Yun Bixue, "The child is fine, very healthy, and Bai Yaoyao is fine, don't worry."

Yun Bixue listened to Xie Limo's words, then she was relieved. She looked at Xie Limo in doubt, or asked anxiously: "But what's going on online?"

"There is nothing out of it. Duan Yanhao will solve it. Don't worry, you thought, when you were in Ning'an, didn't anyone hurt you with the media? Later, the same calmed down, and Duan Yanhao was the president, he had Absolute rights and authority."


Xie Limo touched Yun Bixue's hair and said: "Yesterday, you scared me. When I brought you, you promised me to take care of yourself and you wouldn't worry me, but if you look, it's not long. Time makes me worry."

Yun Bixue felt guilty and guilty in her heart. She reached out her hand and gently rubbed her eyebrows and brain points for Xie Limo, trying to relax him.

Xie Limo grabbed her hand and said, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Li Mo, do you say I am too useless?"

"Don't talk about yourself like that, you are very good, and I am very good in my heart. Last night's things are not under your control. If people's emotions can be controlled by themselves, they will have no emotions."

"I know you are comforting me, but Li Mo, I feel bad for you." Yun Bixue was really uncomfortable, she was too hurt Xie Limo, but she felt that she did too little, so she could not bear it Live to blame myself.

Xie Limo grabbed Yun Bixue's hand and put a kiss on his mouth, "I know, Axue is very good, as long as you are safe, I will not worry."

Others don't understand Axue's good, he understands, because she has always been giving, has been trying to make him less worried.

In fact, he cares about chaos.

Early the next morning, Huang Yize and Yun Bilu went outside the Duanjia villa.

Yun Bilu excitedly said: "Huang Yize, we are here, ah, so excited, we will see sister and Yaoyao later, haha, the three of us can be together again."

Huang Yize looked at Yun Bilu so happy, and his expression also softened. "Don't just look at the excitement, let people report."

Yun Biluo made a sound, and then took the luggage to Huang Yize. She went to the door and talked to the guard: "Brother, guard, can you tell me, that, I am Yun Bilu, you and you The president said, he will know."

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