Duan Erye and Duan Wuye don’t count, and they began to feel uneasy, "Dad, how can you do this? You let these outsiders enter the house, but don't let us be the son's.

"We are also your son anyway. You can't be so eccentric. Besides, we are also good for the Duan family. What is wrong with us?"

The two of them wanted to talk about it, as if they didn't look at Yun Bilu in their eyes.

Huang Yize sat there, looking at the evil charm leisurely, looking at Duan Erye and Duan Wuye, as if looking at the jumping beam clown.

Bai Yaoyao couldn't hide Yun Bilu from the accident, and now there are exactly two people running, letting the girl do it, get angry.

The girl was out of breath, her temperament was naturally stable, and he wouldn't be furious, but still calmed to let him worry.

Besides, let the two men talk about it. The girl’s sister is very easy to move her fetal qi and is also very dangerous. Let Yun Bilu do it and relieve everyone’s anger.

This is equivalent to, Yun Bilu shot for everyone together.

Yun Bilu smiled, showing his stuttering teeth, and said, "Since the two of you guys are looking for death in this way, then I will give you loose bones, dare to say that my sister Yaoyao is not, looking for death!"

With that said, Yun Bilu jumped up like a leopard, and directly hit Duan Erye and Duan Wuye, punching and kicking...

Although Duan Erye and Duan Wuye are also a bit of kung fu, but they are not Yun Bilu's opponents.

Yun Bilu's shot almost shocked the people in the room, of course Huang Yize was the exception.

Because he understands Yun Bilu's skill.

Just listening to the crackling punches and kicks, and the cry of "Ah...", almost constituted a symphony, played in the room.

Yun Bilu was very relieved, and poor Duan Erye and Duan Wuye had no strength to be beaten.

The two really looked down on Yun Bilu and regretted it at this time. Where did they know that there was someone beside him who had done so against him.

They just saw that Duan Yanhao and Duan Xinya were not here, so they came to make trouble. Unfortunately, this time the dumb owe them more.

It's just like being beaten.

"Woo..." The two grandfathers had been subjected to such abuse, beaten by a junior, or a girl who was despised by them, this silver tooth can only be bitten.

Seeing that the two were about to be killed, no one in the room spoke to Yun Bilu to stop.

It was Chi Father's stunned reaction, and he quickly said anxiously: "Girl, stop it now, stop it, it will kill you if you go on like this."

Yun Bilu raised her head, only to find that there was an invisible person in the room. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Why, with the two of them?"

Yun Bilu asked, and gestured his fist.

Father Chi naturally knew that if he didn't answer well, the girl would punch and kick him.

For the sake of his life, Chi Father shook his head hard. "No, no, I am not the same as them. I, I came for Yan Hao. After all, he was also my prospective son-in-law."

Father Chi didn't know why. Looking at the little girl in front of him, he could win a fear out of his bones.

He didn't feel this way in front of anyone, but in the face of this girl, he felt a chill.

"Expectant son-in-law?" Yun Bilu's complexion changed, and he released Duan Erye and Duan Wuye, but he forgot to kick a few times.

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