Xie Limo's original intention was to make her happy and happy, as if she came to country X to relax, and by the way took this opportunity to take her away from country A, not to be hurt by those news rumors.

It's just that he didn't expect that Country X was not calm.

He counted everything, except for Bai Yaoyao, who never knew she would have to go through such a period before getting married.

In his words, Duan Yanhao did not do well enough, and if it is good enough, no one can hurt Bai Yaoyao.

However, when he married Bi Xue, he did not do well, so that the people of An Yexuan used the identity of the imperial capital to press him. Although he fought back, it was also an episode.

So men understand men, even if they do everything they want to do, there is a time for negligence. After all, everyone is not a god.

Xie Limo guarded Yun Bixue, but after a while, Yun Bixue also frowned.

After waking up, Yun Bixue had to sit up.

"Why did you wake up just after a short sleep?" Xie Limo stood up softly and put Yun Bixue behind her with a pillow.

Yun Bixue rubbed her head to wake herself up. "It's not good to sleep so much." In fact, she was easily awakened in her sleep and worried about this, but she couldn't help anything.

In fact, there is a feeling of powerlessness in her heart. This feeling of powerlessness makes her very tired. She doesn't like herself now, but she has to appease this impetuous heart, even if it is for the children in her belly, she must force herself. To calm yourself down.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's tired appearance, and stepped forward to kiss her eyebrow with distress. "Isn't it a good night's sleep? Even sleepy?"

Yun Bixue glanced at Xie Limo in surprise and blinked. Her family Mr. Xie was really a roundworm in her stomach!

Yun Bixue smiled, "Will you still read?"

"You know more about yourself than I do, so how can I not see the gloom of your eyebrows?"

"Okay, it's not so fragile, just wait a few months, it will be fine." Then, Yun Bixue gently stroked her belly with her hands, gently said: "No wonder Bilu was surprised, and she hasn't seen her since the Chinese New Year. It’s been more than five months now, and my belly is really big."

Xie Limo's expression moved, Qingrun said: "I never knew the hard work of being a mother, but now I want to come, the mother is really great, not easy."

"Remember Mom?"

Xie Limo nodded his head. Indeed, he looked at Yun Bixue so hard and couldn't help thinking. Was Ji Qiongxin thinking about him very hard?

At that time, it was extremely difficult to take care of one's own body and to be a good mother and mother in the Xie family to protect the children.

Yun Bixue took Xie Limo's hand and gently said, "Mother is not easy. When we return to the headquarters, we will be more filial and filial."

Xie Limo caressed Fuyun Bixue's hair, "Remember what you say, stay with me anytime, and back to the headquarters."

Yun Bixue smirked, "When did I say I would not be with you? It's all where you are, where I am, where you are, where is your home."

Xie Limo shuddered in his heart, and a deep wave appeared in his heart. One couldn't help but held Yun Bixue, and the kiss fell densely.

Yun Bixue could parry him like this, his body was already sensitive, and soon became soft water, "Well... don't press it..."

When Xie Limo let go of Yun Bixue's eyes, his eyes were filled with light and faint, "You can rest assured, I look at it."

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