Listening to Xie Limo's appeasement, Yun Bixue's heart couldn't calm down either. Suddenly she felt uncomfortable all over her body and her stomach started to hurt.

She tried hard to control her emotions, but she couldn't control it well and her body became more and more uncomfortable.

Yun Bixue's face was very white, and conditioned reflex held Xie Limo's hand tightly, "Li Mo, what should I do? It's hard to bear!"

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue like this, his face changed greatly, Rao was calm again, and he was also in a panic at this time.

"Axue, do you feel uncomfortable, tell me?" Seeing Yun Bixue's face pale and sweating on his forehead, Xie Limo's aching heart almost suffocated.

When meeting people who are calm and calm in everything, only when facing Yun Bixue, their brains are messed up with the blank.

Yun Bixue breathed heavily, the sweat on his forehead kept coming out, and his face was pale and terrible.

Xie Limo felt that his heart was shaking, holding Yun Bixue's hand, his eyes were red.

This is the first time Yun Bixue saw Xie Limo in a daze, wondering whether to laugh or cry, she gasped out loudly: "Li Mo, you are stupid, quick, doctor."

"Yes, yes, doctor."

Xie Limo, who has responded, has been incoherent, and quickly called the medical team in the back cabin.

Yun Bixue covered her belly with her hands and kept comforting: "Baby, obedient, obedient, it will be fine..."

Even if Yun Bixue supported her, she gently stroked her stomach with her hands, trying to calm the kicked baby.

Perhaps I really heard her words, my stomach became much calmer.

In order to avoid being targeted this time, most of the medical staff followed the disguised two people on the plane, and this plane had only two paramedics.

They took emergency measures to help Yun Bixue through the danger, but the situation was still unstable.

Xie Limo can only order to force the plane to land.

"Xie Shao, if the plane is forced to land, it will fall into an unknown place, and it is easy to cause political disputes. If it is dangerous, it may be shot down."

Xie Limo obviously knows this situation. Unidentified planes that fall into airports of other countries will naturally be rejected as dangerous objects.

Xie Limo pondered for a while and ordered: "Listen to my orders and force to land."


"Xie Shao, below is country M to the north and country T to the south. Which country's airport did you land at?"

Xie Li's eyes flashed, and he immediately said: "Country M."


Xie Limo immediately arranged the person and fell into country M wearing a parachute. It is best to first contact the relevant personnel to ensure the safety of the aircraft.

After a series of tense arrangements and arrangements, the aircraft began to land smoothly.

Xie Limo clutched Yun Bixue's hand tightly, watching her guarding her, her face stiff.

Yun Bixue felt the sweat in Xie Limo's hands. She tried to smile hard and appease him, but when she laughed, she had the urge to cry.

For her, her Mr. Xie suffered a lot. She loved him a lot. Even if her body became unwell, Yun Bixue was still clenching her teeth.

"Axue, if you are uncomfortable, you must say it."

Xie Limo asked Yun Bixue to wipe away the sweat from his face.

"I...I'm fine...I might be a little tired..."

With that, Yun Bixue's eyes couldn't be opened, she was lying on the seat, and her head gradually became dizzy.

"Axue, don't sleep, wait a moment, we'll be on the ground, we will go to the emergency room immediately." Xie Limo didn't dare to say loudly, and could only shake Yun Bixue's hand gently, calling in her ear.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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