Because the outside world did not know her, no one could believe her even if she revealed her identity.

Seeing that the sky was getting late, Shui Qianqian could not stay too long. She could only bid farewell to Yun Bixue reluctantly, and then left quietly.

Yun Bixue was also very reluctant, but now that she knew where the water was, she also had a deep heart, and she would have the opportunity to meet later.

After Shui Qianqian left, Xie Limo came in.

Yun Bixue first explained to Xie Limo: "She is my roommate in freshman year, just like my sister."

"Although you never mentioned it before, when you checked Chu Feier, you found it."

Yun Bixue sighed, "I didn't mention it before, just didn't want to talk about those sad past."

"Now I see, and I feel much better."

"Well, I am very happy today. I think everything in the world has its own number."

Xie Limo's expression softened, "You mean the plane made a forced landing in country M, maybe you were asked to meet her."

"Yeah, so I'm very happy, don't worry about my body anymore, okay? You see, you have dark circles, you haven't slept well." Then, Yun Bixue reached out and stroked Xie Limo's eyes.

Looking at Yun Bixue's distressed eyes, Xie Limo pulled her hand down and kissed her lips, "It's okay, you ate the fruit, I will sleep again."

"Well, you are resting in the bed next to it."


But it said that it was raining heavily, and Shui Qianqian climbed up the rope again by herself. When she returned to the house, she took a breath and took off her raincoat.

Whispered: "This rain is too heavy." He jumped and shook his hair.

The spirit of the whole person is completely different.

Rong Jin looked aside, his expression moved, this was the first time he saw a trace of vitality in Shui Qian Qian, different from the past lifelessness.

Seeing that Shui Qianqian was about to change clothes, Rong Jin coughed lightly.

Shui Qianqian's hand about to unbutton her clothes, suddenly shouted: "Who?"

"it's me!"

"Left phase? Why are you here?"

"It seems that I should ask the queen, where did you go?"

Shui Qianqian rolled her eyelids, "Where am I going, it seems to have nothing to do with the left phase? This is my freedom."

"As we all know, you are my fiancee, so I have a responsibility and obligation to care about you."

Shui Qianqin looked back seriously at this picturesque eyebrow, and his eyes were as smooth and flawless as Gujing, "Oh, do you care about me? I think the left phase is afraid I will cause you trouble?"

"Even if you don't say where you went, I can find it."

Shui Qianqin rolled his eyes and slowed his tone: "Isn't you telling me that there is a plane at our airport? There is a pregnant woman on it, so I went to see it."

"that's it?"

"Yes, that's it, you can check it if you don't believe it."

Rong Jin moved his face, then clapped his hands and asked the maid to bring Jiang Tangshui in. "You drenched the rain, drink this, drive away the cold, don't get cold."

"it is good."

Seeing that Rong Jin was about to go out, Shui Qianqin was brave enough to say: "Rong Jin, I want to tell you something."

Rong Jin stepped and looked back at Shui Qianqian. She rarely spoke to him in such a tone, and rarely called him Rong Jin.

Seen by Rong Jin’s picturesque eyebrows, Shui Qianqian suddenly felt that she was stuck in her throat if she wanted to speak, but she thought of her warmth and power Yun Bixue, so she dared to say: "I am your fiancee, also When we reach the legal age, when will we get married?"

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