Yun Bixue looked at the tonics in the room, and smoked at the corners of her mouth, and then looked at the groups of doctors and nurses who came to care about her body. She knew that it was all arranged by Shui Qianqian.

Officials from country M are also acting up and down, all running to see Yun Bixue and shouting warmly.

Yun Bixue looked and wanted to laugh.

But obviously these days, she is in a good mood.

During this time, Xie Limo took care of Yun Bixue while secretly arranging the related affairs of country A.

For the specific reason for the shot down, he also found it out. He had arranged it and waited for him to return to country A to fully close the net.

Relevant people, he will never let go.

When Yun Bixue was well adjusted, Xie Limo took her home.

However, the route and vehicles were secretly arranged. The plane took off as usual, making people think that Xie Limo and Yun Bixue were flying.

When Xie Limo and Yun Bixue quietly returned to Emperor A, several secret surviving giants were staring at the air, paying attention to the plane.

When it was known that the plane had fallen by itself, some people were happy and some were worried.

Now in the case of country A, after the Yellow King seized the smuggling of arms, there are very few giants left in the imperial capital.

In the past, there were several families such as the Feng family and the An family, but now the An family and the Feng family are left. Several other families have been banned by the Yellow King for the wealthy man because of the arms smuggling involved. The catch of the catch.

However, Tian Bi, Tan Jia and other users Yun Bixue's family have nothing to do with each other, and their status has slightly improved.

In short, everything is safe and sound, all public opinion has disappeared, and Yun Bixue also went home to feel safe and support her.

Xie Limo's team of gynecologists specially arranged in the villa, Yun Bixue's body is different, someone will observe and rescue.

Maybe I really went home, and my mood has stabilized. Yun Bixue's body has also been very good, and there is no problem.

Xie Limo went out in the morning and came back at night, often busy with some things outside.

Yun Bixue understood that the emperors looked calm, but in fact there were fluctuations in the secret.

The giants still have instability.

Since her return, Tian Xiaojuan and Tan Xinxuan have visited her, and she often stays at home alone, reading books and news, eating snacks, and it is also very good.

After entering the summer, Xie Limo adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner in the house very well, and Yun Bixue would not be hot.

So summer passed quickly, and Yun Bixue's belly was bigger again.

At the end of August, at the end of August, Haoer came to see her before the school started.

Yun Bixue was very happy and took Haoer to tell him a story, and then asked the maid to make dessert for him.

However, she found that the child had his own emotions, and did not look as cheerful as before. "Huoer, what's wrong? Some are not very happy! Did you encounter something unhappy?"

Xia Junzihao shook his head and nodded again.

Yun Bixue touched his head and said: "Haoer can tell me that he will feel better if he says unhappy."

"Aunt, every time my dad and uncle meet, it feels weird, and I don't understand too much. I feel that my dad will not be very happy and just want to quarrel with the school children."

Yun Bixue was stunned. He naturally knew that Kang Wang and Huang Wang had different positions. However, Haoer was the biological son of Kang Wang. Many things of Huang Wang were also for Kang Wang. Why did they quarrel?

"Huo'er, adult's affairs may be more complicated, as long as you are happy."

"Well, Grandpa said the same."

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