Yun Bixue listened to Miao Zifu's narration, she was shocked with cold sweat, and the hand holding the phone was sweating.

"Zi Fu, is all this true?"

"Bi Xue, I'm sure, I checked it myself. I suspect that this surnamed Ye is a ghost and doesn't exist."

Yun Bixue wanted to say that she listened and thought she was a ghost, but this was all to scare herself, and many people were willing to trick their eyes to confuse others.

And she firmly believes that this man with the surname Ye really exists, otherwise Qiao Muwan was arrested for the company's illegal activities, or this person was released on bail.

So this man just used the relationship to erase some.

Yun Bixue wanted to say something, and suddenly felt no sound, she patted her face, calmed her emotions, and calmly said: "Zi Fu, don't panic, you may be found abnormal by the other party. , So they withdrew."

"But I asked people in the hospital that they had never seen it."

"What about Qiao Muwan?"

"They said that they had signed and discharged, but asked them for information, but said no, but about the man from top to bottom, I said that I was wrong." Miao Zifu encountered this for the first time. So she inevitably panicked.

And after checking the information for the past few days, she was burnt, and she never rested well.

Yun Bixue was surprised at first, and now he has calmed down, "Zi Fu, the dead man I sent to you also saw that person?"

"Naturally I saw it, and I didn't admit that there was no news in the hospital."

Yun Bixue pondered and nodded, "Zi Fu, so I understand, you must leave the hospital as soon as possible, and then try to find a hidden place, get rid of all the surveillance, I guess you may be called now Monitored."

"Why?" Miao Zifu didn't believe it.

"It's okay, I'll know it for a long time. It's always the case that I and Chu Feier are at odds with each other. Let her know that everything is arranged by me. After you call, you will erase all the records. I will arrange someone to secretly check this hospital. ."

"it is good."

Yun Bixue continued to explain: "There are Ye surnames, although I don't know much, but Xie Limo should know that when he comes back, I will tell him about it and you will leave it for now."

"Well, I'm sorry, Bixue, I didn't monitor it well."

"You have helped me a lot, and you can avoid the surveillance of the Yunjia deceased, indicating that the other party is definitely not ordinary, and it is normal for you to not stare."

Miao Zifu's eyes were red, "Bi Xue, you still comfort me."

"You can take care of yourself. I don't want the people around me to leave."


What seemed to come to mind, Yun Bixue's expression moved, "Zifu, the day that Chufeier disappeared, did you eat anything after you went?"

"No, I just drank some porridge in the cafeteria."

After talking, Miao Zifu suddenly said: "Bi Xue, is there a problem with the porridge in the hospital cafeteria."

Yun Bixue said in a deep voice: "According to my initial guess, the man in the hospital and the surname Ye are connected, and the relationship is not ordinary, so they are covered from top to bottom, and I will arrange the next thing."

"Well, don't worry too much, Bixue, just tell me what I need to do." Miao Zifu felt weak all over and felt a sense of depression.

At this time, Miao Zifu thought of Chu Feier again, and when thinking of the time of university, he felt stupid at the time.

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