Yun Bixue frowned, very incomprehensible, and there was even more anger in his heart.

She has seen pictures of her sister, the pure and beautiful girl, the best years of her life have just begun, but...

She also felt pain and regret.

Therefore, they are dissatisfied with those who block.

Even if she didn't know who those people were, there was a anger burning in her heart, and she always felt that she should do something.

Even with very modest power, she actually wanted to do something for her sister.

And she felt that if someone changed at night for her sister, she could understand.

If the feelings of the two people are unforgettable and difficult to separate, and when life and death can be feared, if one side is gone, the other will be in pain.

Yun Bixue clenched his hands tightly and pinched himself, feeling a little uncomfortable.

What seemed to come to her, she stood up and said solemnly: "Li Mo, you said, would some of you Xie's intentionally do this intentionally?"

"on purpose?"

Yun Bixue blinked his big eyes and nodded solemnly, "Yes, you think, they may secretly know that Ye's family is a hidden world, but they are afraid that Ye's becoming a sister's help, thus becoming your strong help, so they have some People may not be able to control you, so they want to break their wings. Even if they choose the target for their sister, it is estimated that they are easy to control or have a good relationship with them."

Listening to Yun Bixue's analysis, Xie Limo's expression was cold and cold. The temperature on his body dropped by several degrees, reaching the freezing point, and he was cold.

"Li Mo, I am just guessing!"

Xie Limo bent over and rubbed his head with his hands, covering his face, and said, "Axue, you are right."

Yun Bixue couldn't see Xie Limo's expression clearly at this time, but he could know through his stiff body that he must be uncomfortable now.

She could only reach out and grab his hand, grab him, and let him rest his head in her arms.

But even so, Xie Limo supported himself, not letting him press her belly.

But smelling the faint fragrance of her, he would not despair even if he was in pain.

"Li Mo, don't be sad, your sister must hope you are happy. As for those who hurt her sister, we must pull it out and avenge her sister."

"Axue, aren't you afraid? The entire family of Xie's emperors is beyond your imagination. You will follow me on a thorny road, but at the end of the road, I will definitely give you carefree Happy life."

Yun Bixue pursed her lips and shook her head firmly. "Li Mo, I'm not afraid. With you, I'm not afraid of anything."

Xie Limo's heart is no longer described by the touch energy. The deep sea waves in the heart sea, and the layers of waves are beating on the mouth, making him unable to calm for a long time.

He knew that his wife's temperament was originally gentle and gentle. For him, she became strong and learned to be ruthless to the enemy, and stepped in her own strength in Ning'an and Emperor.

He knew that all she did was for him.

With her, his heart will be completed.

"Axue, having you is the most precious."

Yun Bixue also hugged Xie Limo hard, "Li Mo, you say, our Yun family is also an ordinary family for Xie's? Then why don't those Xie's seniors object?"

Xie Limo's expression narrowed, his eyes sinking, "Because there is a lesson from my sister, they dare not force me!"

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