Xie Limo's unconscious hand was scratched, let Yun Bixue hold it like this, and said warmly: "Fool, how many times have you said, don't say Xie, grandpa is also my grandpa, you don't blame me for hiding you for so long, just fine. "

With tears in her eyes, Yun Bixue choked: "How can I blame you, if not you, I don't know Grandpa's news, I won't know that Grandpa is still alive, how can I blame you, blame me I didn’t protect my grandpa, I didn’t find my grandpa..."

Xie Limo took Yun Bixue's hand, took her shoulders, and said seriously: "Axue, listen to me, calm down, calm down."

Yun Bixue nodded vigorously, "I am calm, calm."

Xie Limo bowed her head and kissed her for a while, before Yun Bixue was panting, she let go of her.

"You sleep quietly."

"where are you going?"

"I told Xie Liu some things, you are obedient, obedient."

Yun Bixue nodded.

Xie Limo helped her lie down, then covered her with a quilt, gave her a spoiled glance, and then walked out of the bedroom.

Yun Bixue grabbed his sleeve.

Xie Limo turned back, "What's the matter?"

Yun Bixue hesitated and asked, "What do you mean it has something to do with the southern king's family? Did Wang Qianjin do it?"

"I guessed this way, but I can't make a bold conclusion now. Don't be impulsive, you can't beat the snake for the time being."

Yun Bixue nodded solemnly, "Li Mo, you can rest assured that I will definitely not cause you confusion, I will assume that I don't know this matter."


After Xie Limo left the bedroom, Yun Bixue couldn't sleep alone. She was very happy, excited and tangled. Her feelings were very complicated, but she knew that the future would be very good and everything would be fine.

But thinking of Wang Qianjin and Yun Bixue's expression changed, she remembered that when Grandpa had an accident, when she was in pain and sorrow, she didn't think much about it.

Now that I think about it, everything is wrong.

At first, when he drove with her to Ning'an City, it looked like he didn't know.

But on the day of worship, Wang Qianjin only appeared once and left, which is not like his style.

Thinking about it now, when he left in a hurry, there was something wrong.

Wang Family! Wang Qianjin!

Yun Bixue wanted to have a taste of biting his teeth, whether he helped her before or rescued her, just rushed to Grandpa, she hated him.

She even wished to mobilize the deceased of the Yun family to assassinate Wang Qianjin now, and now to take Grandpa back.

But no, she can't be impulsive or trouble Xie Limo. After all, the relationship between Xie's family and Wang's family is inextricably linked.

An impulse would make King Xie Nan enter the battle ahead of time.

After Xie Wu and Xie Liu left, Xie Limo returned to the bedroom, watching Yun Bixue still sitting there, and he turned on the light.

He sighed softly: "Don't you let you lie down and sleep? Why did you sit up again?"

Yun Bixue turned to Xie Limo and said, "Waiting for you."

Xie Limo took a look at Yun Bixue's red eyes, and then looked at the hand she was holding tightly. Her face changed, she grabbed her hand, and broke her apart.

Then I saw the traces of her palms being red and scratched by her nails, and they were all bleeding.

Yun Bixue could obviously feel the coldness of Xie Limo's body, she shrank her hands inwards, but Xie Limo's grip was so tight that she was not allowed to retract.

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