Xie Limo tapped Yun Bixue's forehead lightly. With very light force, he could not bear to make her hurt.

"Think too much, eat some dessert first, and eat at noon."

"Oh, alright!"

Xie Limo sighed inwardly. In fact, the closer Yunbixue gave birth, the more uneasy he was in his heart. The kind of uneasiness was too strong.

When his deep love for her encounters this uneasiness, his heart is nowhere to be placed, and in the passion of passion, he can pass this love to her by action.

So the restlessness and stress will also disappear partly!

Xie Limo sighed inwardly that she has become her most inseparable, and in the future, he must protect her.

In the evening, Xie Limo will take Yun Bixue out for a walk.

When the weather is hot, Yun Bixue rarely goes out. She has been staying at home, which is really a bit boring.

Now that autumn has entered, the weather is still very cool, but the air is somewhat cool in the evening.

Xie Limo was worried that Yun Bixue would be cold, so she always put on her coat, put on a scarf, and then bring a bag with food and drink in her back, and a blanket for sitting down and resting...

When Yun Bixue watched him prepare things, he wanted to laugh, "We just take a walk in front of the house, you are doing the same as traveling."

Xie Limo just looked at her gently and spoiled, still doing his own thing.

However, when Yun Bixue was really hungry, thirsty, and tired, she thought that Mr. Xie's family was very thoughtful.

When Xie Limo accompanied Yun Bixue while shopping, not far away, there was a pair of eyes watching silently.

Xia Jun Yan Wu wears a hat and is very ordinary standing in the distance, looking seriously.

Wu Yin looked at the princess, but it was a little unclear. "Your Royal Highness, you stand here every day. Is it just to see them?"

Xia Junyanwu nodded, "At first I was just curious to see, but now I think they are really good."

In fact, now that she is watching, she will always be in a trance. It turns out that in addition to his brother being so infatuated, there are men who treat his wife so well.

She didn't even believe it at first, but after a few days, she couldn't believe it.

Because one person can play a day's play, but not for several days.

Wu Yin didn't understand the princess's thoughts, and said along the princess: "The subordinates understand that Mr. Xie is really good to her wife. If anyone dares to harm his wife, Mr. Xie will work hard."

"Wu Yin, your words are the same as Li Yan."

Xia Junyanwu didn't reluctantly look back until she could not see the two of them.

"Wu Yin, you said, where is Yun Bixue good? Let Xie Limo be so attached to and so dedicated to her."

When Wu Yin coldly heard the princess's words, she really didn't know how to answer, and she listened to the words, and she began to whitish her face.

"His Royal Highness, Yun Bixue is incomparable to Her Royal Highness."

Xia Junyanwu shook her head and said, "Wu Yin, you don't understand. Whether a woman is good or not, beauty or ugliness is not important. What matters is that a man loves her to protect her, and Yun Bixue has Xie Limo to her. It’s so good. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether she has any merits or not. What matters is that she is in his heart!"

Xia Jun Yan Wu's words with emotion and sigh, and a long time before leaving with Wu Yin.

When Yun Bixue and Xie Limo came back from the walk, she stood at the gate, looking towards the east, and the corners of her mouth evoked a light arc.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue standing there and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

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