Yun Bixue listened to Xia Junyanwu's words, and a glimmer of light flashed through her eyes. She smiled brightly at the corner of her mouth: "The princess will not."

"Oh? Why are you so sure?"

"Because of the princess's eyes, your eyes are pure, there is no murderous intention or malicious in your eyes, so, I'm sure the princess may just be interested in me, but it won't hurt me yet."

Listening to Yun Bixue's so determined words, Xia Junyan Wu clapped his hands and praised, "You are really smart, much smarter than I thought."

Yun Bixue also praised with no miserly: "The princess is also much smoother than I thought."

Xia Junyan Wu's eyes flashed a little fun, "Isn't this princess in your heart awful before?"

"No, I think the princess who came out of the royal family will at least stand tall, and disdain to talk to civilians like me."

Xia Jun Yan danced stunned, she did not expect Yun Bixue to say such a thing.

She found that the short communication between herself and Yun Bixue made her feel no rejection of this woman.

She was silent for a while, and slowly explained: "Although I was born in the royal family, everyone is very fond of me, but because I was not in good health, I have been nursing abroad, so I don't have that kind of habit, and you don't have to worry. "

"The princess is a true temperament woman."

Xia Junyan Wu looked at Yun Bixue, and couldn't see her look change, just looked at her big belly, and his eyes moved: "You have been out for a long time, go back and rest!"

Yun Bixue's mouth slightly raised, saying: "The princess is still a careful woman."

At least this shows that the princess has a good temperament, but one cannot decide everything by just looking at the first impression.

Xia Junyanwu shrugged his shoulders and said: "If you are in poor health, you must be related to me, so I naturally can't let you have something to do."

"In this case, I should go back, then princess, we will have a date."

"There will be a date."

Back in the villa, Yun Dong was not very happy with his lips pouting.

Yun Bixue was sitting on the sofa, eating fruit, looking at Yun Dong, and wanted to laugh.

"Miss, do you still laugh?"

"Why can't I laugh?"

Yun Dong's eyes widened and said: "My good miss, don't you see it? The princess is obviously not interested in you, but Xie Shao!"

Yun Bixue said calmly: "I know."

Yun Dong slapped his head in his head, "Miss, you know, still talking to her politely."

"She didn't go directly to say that she was interested in Li Mo. Do I have to cross swords with her? At least she is still a princess! Besides, what's the use of her alone? I believe in Li Mo."

Yun Dong looked at her old lady calmly and calmly, and sat down on the sofa. "Well, Miss, I'm easily impulsive."

"Your temperament is either good or bad, but you need to hone more. You just could not bear to speak, it's pretty good."

Yun Dong grunted, "Miss, do you praise me or praise me?"

"Praise you! I will stay with me in the future. As for the Yanwu princess, she wants to sing a one-man show, but she can't sing it." Yun Bixue felt that the Yanwu princess had to at least thank Xie Limo to sing the show.

And she and Xie Limo have experienced so much, and naturally believe in him unwaveringly.

What seemed to come to mind, Yun Bixue explained: "Today's affairs, don't tell Li Mo for now, do you know?"

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