Before waiting for Yun Bixue to speak, Lu Maimai said anxiously: "Hurry up, what's the reason?"

Tian Xiaojuan also nodded, "Yes, I am curious about this. I said, when Princess Yanwu appeared, neither Kang nor Huang were indifferent."

"It's strange, there is a reason."

Yun Bixue said with a smile: "Everyone don't worry, listen to the heart, but everyone knows it. If you know it, don't say it, let alone talk to the family."

Everyone knows that Yun Bixue is good for them, and nods in unison, and never speaks out.

Tan Xinxuan was very touched, looking at Yun Bixue's eyes with warm light, or Bi Xue understood her concerns.

Tan Xinxuan said, "I only heard my aunt say it once. This matter seems to be related to Princess Kang, that is, Haoer's biological mother. Because of this, King Kang and Huang King have opinions on the residence of Yanwu Palace. Listen It was said that it had reached the point where life and death were at odds."

Everyone listened in shock, "Is the princess' death related to Yanwu Princess?"

Everyone looked at Tan Xinxuan, and Tan Xinxuan shook his head. "I don't know the specifics. I just heard from my aunt."

Everyone turned to Yun Bixue, and it seemed that Yun Bixue could answer the same questions.

Yun Bixue thought for a while, "If that's the case, it would make sense."

She remembers that Haoer said that his father told him to stay away from his little aunt and keep him away.

"It's really beautiful to think that such a beautiful princess was so terrified that it was related to the death of the princess."

"Yeah, fortunately I know it today, otherwise, it is really easy to be deceived by her beautiful appearance."

"But it doesn't make sense. It's strange that a princess harmed her sister-in-law."

"Oh, the royal thing is not something that we can understand. It is always right to stay away from the princess."


Yun Bixue listened to everyone's words and appeased: "You don't have to say that the wind is the rain, things may not really be this, but everyone knows what it is. Learning to protect yourself is always right."

"Well, we listen to Bi Xue."

Tian Xiaojuan exclaimed suddenly, then took out his phone and turned to the previous news channel: "Bi Xue, you see, this is the hot news some time ago, this photo should be the princess, right?"

"The person who published this news is too boring. Xie Shaoming is already a married man, and he has joined forces with the princess. I didn't realize anything before. Today, after listening to my heart, I always feel that this is like a conspiracy. ."

Tian Xiaojuan was grieved for Yun Bixue, she was really worried, that princess had different thoughts about Xie Shao.

Lu Maimai should be reconciled: "Although I can't see the expression of the specific princess, it should be very happy to see how she smiles."

Shao Chunrong stood up and said: "This shows what it means, the princess coveted Shaoxie! It's too much, Bixue, you can't be too good-tempered, you must take precautions, and the sisters will help you."

Yun Bixue was very moved and said: "Don't worry, everyone is not clear, don't be impulsive, let alone, she is useless to covet, Li Mo is still mine!"

Tian Xiaojuan several people suddenly said: "Yes, she is of no avail at all. You are the real lady, and the royal princess can't say to marry. Everyone pays attention to her every move, and the princess should pay attention to the image."

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