Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo's fascinating light waves and pouted: "You can guess my mind, it's boring."

"Then do you want me to explain?"

Yun Bixue glared at Xie Limo strangely and pushed his body, "You are not going to wash it yet."

Xie Limo bowed his head on Yun Bixue's forehead and kissed, "Today is my fault. Axue will wait for a while, just a while."

With that said, Xie Limo got up and went to the bathroom.

Yun Bixue was sitting on the sofa, and he was a little dazed.

She thought that the place where Xie Limo works is the Ministry of State and Political Affairs. He is a minister and has a separate office. There will be no perfume smell.

Then someone must have sprayed a strong perfume in the office corridor or elsewhere.

I didn't smell it before, but I smelled it today.

If she is like an ordinary woman, she will be jealous and jealous, and Xie Limo is in conflict with her temper.

Or just doubt him, the two quarreled because of trust...

After all, no matter which kind of relationship is bad for the couple.

The other party might not have imagined that she would trust Xie Limo so much, no doubt about it!

In fact, she and Xie Limo have so many experiences, how can they produce musty because of this perfume smell!

The other party wasted this thought in vain, and she didn't know what she would think.

And when she said that she smelled of perfume, Xie Limo's expression was calm and calm, and there was no panic at all, showing that he was also honest with her in her heart.

However, the only person Yun Bixue could suspect was Xia Junyanwu, because she was the only one who dared to do so, and other women had no such guts.

After all, what happened to the royal capital was more or less related to her Yun Bixue. She thought that her reputation was related to Yasha.

Those women want to survive, and it's too late to hide her, how can they provoked her!

So there is no doubt that this person should be Xia Jun Yan Wu.

After Xie Limo finished his shower, he came out and saw Yun Bixue sitting on the sofa, dragging his head, and didn't know what to think.

Xie Limo sighed inwardly, to tell the truth, he really didn't know how this perfume smell got to himself.

He really didn't touch women, even the department assistant, he was also a male assistant. If it was possible to get perfume, it should be a conference room.

Xie Limo recalled carefully that there were a few more potted flowers in the meeting room today, and the fragrance of the flowers was diffuse. It was a little strange. It turned out that it was not a real floral fragrance. It was probably sprayed with perfume.

Some perfumes do not stick to clothes, but some perfumes do not stick to clothes, so they will not disperse.

Xie Li's eyes darkened, his expression slightly cold, but as he walked towards Yun Bixue, his expression became warmer.

"What are you thinking?"

Yun Bixue raised her head coldly and looked at Xie Limo, who was refreshing, with a faint flash in her eyes.

Her family Mr. Xie wears home casual clothes is also such a gorgeous and moving.

"I didn't think about anything, just thinking about it. After washing out, Mr. Xie's home was in vain."

Xie Limo scraped her nose and said, "Naughty, you said the same as a pig."

"When I put Mr. Xie's chubby plump pigs."

After finishing the speech, Yun Bixue sighed again, "However, I found out how to make you eat without being fat!"

Xie Limo is the kind of clothes rack, and eating and eating will not affect his body shape and weight, which once made Yun Bixue very jealous.

Xie Limo laughed lightly, his chest shook, looked at her depressed look, and said: "Axue, should be raised white and fat."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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