Xie Limo meditated and said, "I can't hide it."

Yun Bixue blinked, thinking of the Xia Jun Yan Wu he saw that day, but it seemed very straightforward.

"Really hidden?"

Xie Limo's eyes glinted, and Shen said: "This is the most pertinent evaluation. There are too many secrets hidden in her, which is not something ordinary people can spy on."

Xie Limo's words also surprised Yun Bixue. Xia Jun Yan Wu was really different from the surface.

Yun Bixue blinked and asked, "Can you spy on her?"

Xie Limo said lightly: "I don't care about how she is. I let Xie's shadow guard stare to know her political position."

Yun Bixue thought about it too. After all, whether Xia Jun Yanwu competes for that position is related to Xie Limo's plan.

She thought about it and said, "I think she looks okay."

Xie Limo's expression changed and deeply locked Yun Bixue's eyes, "Have you seen her? Has she treated you?"

Listening to Xie Limo's nervous words, Yun Bixue was still very warm. She explained: "It was just a walk, when I came across it by chance, I said a few words, nothing, and she did nothing to me, besides I’m a pregnant woman, she’s not going to deal with pregnant women yet!"

Xie Limo shook his head helplessly and squeezed Yun Bixue's cheek with his fingers. "It's stupid to say that you are stupid. Do you believe in a person's surface like that? Don't be close next time."

Yun Bixue glared his eyes, "I'm not stupid, I have a sense in my heart."

"If you want to be true to your heart, you should bypass Xia Junyan Dance instead of talking to her."

"People are princesses, what if they treat me with a great disrespect?"

Xie Limo sighed helplessly, reaching out to knock Yun Bixue's head, not willing, and finally changed to touch, "I said, you don't need to be polite to anyone, there is anything, there is me, I see you Did not listen to my words in my ears."

Yun Bixue took a sip of soup and murmured, "I have remembered it, don't worry, it's okay?"

"You don't know what happened five or six years ago."

Yun Bixue was eating vegetables, almost biting off her tongue, she looked at Xie Limo in doubt, "What happened five or six years ago?"

The time of five or six years is very sensitive. After all, five or six years ago, it was when Huang Huang and King Kang broke up, and when King Kang had an accident.

Yun Bixue suddenly remembered Tan Xinxuan's words during the day. Is Princess Kang really related to Princess Yanwu?

Xie Limo turned the chair slightly, came to Yun Bixue, opened her lips with slender fingers and said, "Open your mouth, let me look at your tongue."

Yun Bixue's obedient open mouth, she bit her tongue, he can know?

Yun Bixue still admired it.

But what was she thinking about?

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's tongue, except for a little redness, and nothing more. Looking at her tranced look, she said helplessly: "Go God?"

Yun Bixue nodded, "I'm thinking about Yan Wu and Princess Kang."

"Now that you know this, you should avoid her wisely. I worry that she will be detrimental to you.

Yun Bixue narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "Li Mo, don't you think she is beautiful, and the beauty should be beautiful too?"

Xie Limo caressed Fu Yun Bixue's hair, "Little conscience, don't know my heart."

"Know, know, just think that if she is mischievous, what a pity, such a beautiful person!"

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