Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1711: Can't hide the royal shadow guard

Yun Bixue's eyes flashed firm, and she still had a lot to do.

In fact, it is also for the children, or Yun Bixue's temperament can not be idle.

"By the way, Yaoyao was not a military background before. Although she is a general of country X, can she participate in international military affairs?"

Xie Limo poured a cup of hot water to Yun Bixue, let her run her throat, and then explained lightly: "This requires review, and there is also a competitive competition. After the review, she can gradually participate in international military meetings and gradually have international power. , Is a process."

Yun Bixue excitedly said: "Really happy for Yaoyao."

She thought that all her girlfriends worked so hard, it made no sense, she didn't work hard.

She knows that all this is due to Bai Yaoyao's hard work, so she is not afraid of suffering or tired, but also strong.

Xie Limo touched Yun Bixue's hair, "In fact, you are also very powerful, even if you are pregnant, you have done a lot of things, and nothing has been delayed, such as participating in the military, economic, and political affairs of country A, not to mention anything else, just this In three ways, you have enough power to shake the root of country A."

Yun Bixue thought so too, she smiled, "So, pregnancy, I will not delay anything."

Thinking, Yun Bixue flashed, but in fact, she did not need to care about that princess Xia Junyanwu's princess status. She really wanted to move her mind, she had enough ability to fight back.

"Well, if it weren't for you, I was worried that you could stir up all of Country A."

"How can you say that."

Xie Limo smiled lightly, and his wife knew that she was happy and did not want to admit it!

Suddenly, Yun Bixue's expression condensed, "Li Mo, the thing I want to tell you just now is not this, but the explosion of the plane. Those few giants can't do it. Someone behind must be involved. , I guess only the royal family has this appeal."

When Yun Bixue was talking, she kept staring at Xie Limo's look. When he saw his gradually condensing look, he knew he was right.

Yun Bixue looked at Xie Limo's faint look, and she reached out to grab his sleeve and said, "Li Mo, who is the royal family?"

Xie Limo glanced at Yun Bixue, but actually didn't want to tell her to make her think more, but if she didn't say it, she would also think about it.

"Is it King Kang?"

Xie Limo was silent.

Yun Bixue knew that it was not King Kang, and King Huang was unlikely. After all, it was King Huang who punished these rich families.

It is impossible for Princess Yanwu because she hadn't returned to China yet.

Suddenly, the light flashed in Yun Bixue's mind, "Is it the King's Palace?"

Under Yun Bixue's burning eyes, Xie Limo nodded.

Yun Bixue couldn't believe it and opened Xie Limo's eyes for a while, "No, it's wrong...Juan Dian is not in good health, how can he? He doesn't care about political affairs?"

"It doesn't mean you don't participate in it."

"But why did he kill us?" As he said, Yun Bixue began to analyze contemplation. "Is it because of your last name Xie?"

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue, frowning and thinking, reached out to smooth her, and touched her head comfortably. "A lot of things happened in the emperor, concealed others, but not the eyes of the royal shadow guard."

"Now that I know, Jun Dian has not stopped or shot."

"Yes, Jundian will use me to exchange blood for the imperial capitals, and I will naturally use this opportunity to replace the imperial capitals with their own people."

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