Yun Dong is active and every time he accompanies Yun Bixue, he can speak eloquently to make Yun Bixue happy.

Yun Bixue looked at Yun Dong, sometimes there was a feeling that Bilu was by his side.

Yun Dong's lively temperament is quite similar to Bilu.

In Yun Bixue's view, a lively temper like Bilu is suitable for a calm man.

"Yun Dong, what do you think of Xie Liu?"

Yun Dongzheng was talking hard, but she didn't expect that Miss Xie was talking about Xie Liu, "Ah, Miss, why do you ask Xie Liu?"

"I just think he is a very important movie guard around Li Mo, so ask how you feel, after all, you are also peers."

Yun Dong thought about Xie Liu's things carefully. When he thought about it, he realized that there were so many images in his mind.

"Miss, Xie Liu is calm, calm and responsive. I have to admit that he is much stronger than me."

Yun Bixue's mouth twitched slightly, "I'm asking him this person, do you think you're quite careful about people?"

"As a deceased, you have to be careful, Miss, this is not an advantage."

"But, Yun Dong, you are more likely to be impulsive. I think if you match together, it should be more perfect, one lively and one calm, don't you say that?"

Yun Dong was stunned. She couldn't help but think of some scenes, her heart was unchecked, and then looked at Yun Bixue's expression, which was very serious, not like to say anything else, it seemed to be a matter of matching work.

Yun Dong coughed while covering her mouth, and said, "Miss, I don't know what will happen to him?"

"Then he will be your partner, will you repel?"

"No, people are better than me. I don't know if I want to be a partner!"

Looking at Yun Dong's bowed head, there was no liveliness just now, Yun Bixue smiled and said: "Yun Dong, if you like it, take the initiative to pursue it, I think you are so good!"

Yun Dong reacted here, and Missy was teasing her, "Missy!"

"Okay, okay, it's not good to see the two of you, so I think it's good to be together."

"I want to take care of Missy all the time."

"Fool, we will all marry the dead of the Yun family."

"Anyway, I will be next to Missy."

Yun Bixue took Yun Dong's hand and said, "If you like Xie Liu, if you are with him, you can still be by my side. Yun Dong, you are lively and easy to get nervous, but I can see it, You like Xie Liu, right?"

Listening to this sentence, Rao Shi Yundong's face was thick, and his face was red.

"Yun Dong, in love, learn to be brave, you know?"

Just as the two were talking, the sky suddenly began to rain, and the two also walked for a while, inevitably being exposed to rain.

"Miss, hurry, I'll clothe you, we will go there to hide from the rain."

Yun Bixue looked at the sky and said, "Yun Dong, it should be a heavy rain today, let's go home, even if there is a little rain, if it is hiding there, if the heavy rain is pouring, it is easy to get stuck there. "

"But Miss, how can I do this, I'll have someone drive to pick it up immediately."

During the conversation, the rain began to drip onto the two.

At this time, a person came slowly across the road, holding an umbrella in his hand. When he was approaching, he called out, "Bi Xue!"

Yun Bixue seemed to hear someone's voice, and when she looked up, she saw An Yexuan, followed by a startled look.

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