Xie Limo said warmly: "Isn't you happy to hear your tone?"

"An Yexuan has done so many things, I naturally want to get revenge! And the most important thing is that he also participated in Grandpa's affairs. I used to think that Grandpa was really gone. I have the heart to kill him, and I am determined."

Xie Limo asked, "What now?"

"Now I know that he is normal again because of evil magic, and grandpa is still alive. He has suffered so much, and feels that he can be alive."

Xie Limo understands that no matter how much Yun Bixue does, she still retains that kindness in her heart, she just doesn't want to kill An Yexuan.

In fact, Xie Limo now also feels that An Yexuan is not going to die. If An Yexuan really becomes so normal, he regrets the pain, that is, he is tormenting himself, and they don’t need them anymore.

Yun Bixue raised her head to think about things for a while, then sighed.

"Just just in a good mood, how is it changing now? If you do this again, I will think you are sentimental and Sister Lin has fallen from the sky."

"I am your love sister, sister Yun."

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue with a lovely expression, and her heart became particularly soft. She couldn't help but kiss her hairline, smelling her unique breath, and she was really at ease.

"Okay, you are my love sister, sister Yun, grandfather's specific location I have detected, is with Wang Qianjin."

Yun Bixue hurriedly grabbed Xie Limo's arm, "Really? Then when can I see Grandpa."

She really wanted to think about Grandpa. Ever since Xie Limo told her last time, she would think every day that she was sad, and every time Li Mo came back, she would hide this emotion.

She didn't want to put pressure on him, nor did she want him to follow her.

But after knowing where, she really didn't want to wait.

"This matter still needs long-term consideration. Wang Qianjin is a gentleman and has no harm to grandpa, but I haven't done anything specific. Wang Qianjin is also the next heir to the Wang family. With sufficient rights, the people of the Xie family are temporarily unable to enter at the headquarters of the Wang family."

"Is there no other way?"

Xie Limo spoiled Yun Bixue and said: "Don't worry, there are ways, only positive communication. I will negotiate with Wang Qianjin, and I will bring Grandpa back."

"Well, I believe you."

The next day, Xie Limo accompanied Yun Bixue at home, and it was still raining heavily outside. The news broadcasted that because of continuous heavy rainfall, the water level of some depressions rose, and all cars were submerged. The traffic in the Royal Park was also blocked. Good travel.

Many people trapped in the rain, the politicians also sent people to rescue.

This time, Yun Bixue saw Xia Jun Yan Wu in the news.

News reporters reported that Princess Yan Wu also personally helped the rescue, which was unanimously loved and praised by the people.

Yun Bixue looked at the news and frowned, "This Yanwu princess is going to become a public figure and win the hearts of the people! It is really dedicated and not afraid of danger."

Xie Limo said: "I said that she was hidden, if she wants to gain popular support, this is only the first step. Although it is a little dangerous, the effect is also the most obvious, isn't it?"

Yun Bixue nodded, "You are right, the most beautiful princess of the royal family still loves everyone so much, and the score will naturally be reported."

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